"Movement" as Another or "Mother" Dimension ??

Distance, velocity, space, time, wave, particle etc. all are very deeply interlinked with the ability of “movement” and their existence is due to movement.

It seems that the first thing which some “force” learn/acquire was movement, then wave get formed and then particles……….it’s my view, might need correction, what you suggests?

Is “Movement” another dimension or mother of all other dimensions?

Do some evolution in "Movement" resulted into its different types ? what will be the expected mechanism for it, can we enhance the types of movement ?

What is the role of movement in foundation of universe?

Why universe have a “moving” design instead of stagnant/static or combinations of both?

Dose movement an another dimension like space and “time”? If yes then why and if no then why not?

Dose only energy behind it, how energy get this ability?

What will happen when if “movement” get stop, is it possible?

What can be possible theories & assumption regarding that that how “movement” got birth first time?


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