09 September 2016 11 3K Report

The concept of Gods had been discussed in previous question . All we find that mainly there are few functional aspects in every religion & mythology based social theories which denote some none visible centre of power at unspecified location along ability of care taker authority as Gods. More over all are quiet mysteriously on any expected mechanisms of those functional aspects; however it’s the key point in comparison with reality of NOW as well to access it further.

History tells that when such concepts and religious theories began then it grow gradually in step by step formation. Human was week and terrified by Natural phenomenons and disasters, human was unaware by the sustainable techniques regarding shelter, food, disease and communication etc. Then a concept of some Protecting authority was the need of socio-conscious base activity. Anyhow, to cut short the description, pre-ascent human civilizations till now Functional aspects related to human requirement are seem to be getting drastic shifts from the supposed divine knowledge and abilities of concepted gods toward human`s acquired knowledge and techniques. Sometime the Food, Shelter, Agriculture, Wealth, Birth, Weather, Natural Disaster, Fear, Disease, Health, Education, Wars, Social Laws, Ruling, Governments, Honour etc were consider vitally dependent on will kind of kingship of gods, and the king/chief/religious authority etc were consider the representation & voice of gods. By enhancing the acquired ability to gain knowledge on logical basis and setting up questionable, none stagnant trends these all get shift from the hand of gods and their representators toward human researchers, scientist and policy makers etc. Also in the matters of cosmos there is none active participation of any concepts base gods come in front, nor any presence of some destroyer or evil powers come in front as opposes of gods. The concept of gods and such mythologies only seems belongs to planet Earth only............

Kindly see the below link for full article plz

Anyhow, this situation arise further deep down questions and insight: to see that Which approach is need of time, progressive & better; as this thing deeply affected the life of human at earth in past and also continue in future.

A.      Human for Human


B.      Human for mindset based concepts of gods & mythologies


C.      Human for human via mindset based concepts of gods & mythologies

1)      Is there anything which is out of earth based knowledge regarding different mythologies told us?

2)      Is there anything harmful with proves and scientific observation which are effecting human living at cosmos and they are from concepts of gods and mythologies?

3)      Life after death is reality or just a concept as we try to investigate many concepts like this including the concepts of gods, and nothing get testifying so for?

4)      Is a concept of single unified protective power and concept of creator of universe are psychological need of human mind, human consciousness just want to get a focal point like Unified Great Might Power named gods to bring its thought flight from current position to unidentified distance & direction in to space etc?

5)      There is none room left in life of intelligent creatures for such thought in mind logically which generate the wish base concepts of gods, pray and mythological education?

6)      What can be the possible mechanism behind the pray and what can be the expected role of mind and body powers in it, are we listing back to ourselves, different thought pools, conscious centres etc?

7)      Do human fully understand the journey of logic to biologic and now back toward logic in cosmos and our interaction with different phenomenon of surrounding environment?

8)      Any logical and scientific need to have concept of gods vital for human life except to have this concept to get easiness due to well establish mind set in flow of a running social systems?

9)      In diversity of mythologies there is still something out/beyond from Mind Interfering Objects & Phenomenons (MIOP)?

10)   What can be any replacement model for such concepts of gods and claimed divine educations, except than another alike setup as sustainably happening from past? Can sometime human social mind be able to go beyond from such mythological setups?

11)   Any reported research to unveil the mechanism of pray and find that what scientific phenomenon are behind it, e.g. Biophonons formation, Acusto-Optics, EM fields, Electro-Photo-Magnetic Brain Base Networking etc? What can be more deep scientific approach to mark and find such Though Clouds Pool & Networking (TCPN)?

12)   What is relationship between human (mindset formation) and Radically Engaged Limited Imagino-Sensory- Acusto-Optical Grounds & IONS (Religions)?

13)   What can be the pros and cons to continue such human mind base modelling and what can be the best replacement in favour of more progressive, balanced and creative trends into human mindset and future life in space?

14) Can self awareness and understanding of human mind, body, interaction with environment be a vital frame of reference during investigative and comparative research between mythologies and sciences ?

Plz Note: its just an effort to see the factual reality behind different well establish concepts and the actual nature of their relation with human, based on the ranges of available knowledge. It’s nothing to critics any mythology, If you have better argument to nullify, modify or testify this above brain storming then feel free to present it for knowledge and more deep learning and understanding with logic and facts plz.


Article Beyond & Behind the Concepts of Gods, Pray, Mythologies & Ex...

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