83 Questions 50 Answers 0 Followers
Questions related from Heba Huessin
I am using menedely and this required by the journal and I tried everything. I assume removing the hidden codes will remove that grey shade of the references? One recommendation online is to right...
01 May 2022 2,228 2 View
Hi. I activated qiime 2 2019, prepared a folder named '6 sample file' to try data import which has metadata, manifest, and 6 data sequences as in the picture. I received this error. maybe as...
22 October 2019 5,206 2 View
I got ethical approval for my research, but while submission, I noticed that editors comments need changing one word to the title into another word. Can I change it while I got ethical approval...
21 August 2018 8,892 10 View
is STROBE a reporting tool? so we need to make sure we reported every item of the checklist in our manuscript before submission? or we simply can mention that some items are not applicable to our...
20 August 2018 9,426 2 View
I got many comments from reviewers that my sample is considered a convenience sample (easy to reach). In my opinion, convenience does not mean non representative. It is normal if a group of...
20 August 2018 5,615 5 View
What are the most popular bone biomarker proteins for bone regeneration please? thanks in advance.
26 December 2017 2,082 3 View
what is the risk of bias tool for retrospective studies, if any.
24 December 2017 4,388 3 View
Greeting I did miRNA profiling and I need to have idea about the function. when I enter miRNA name in TargetScan, hundreds of miRNAs appear. My work is about cancer, so I am concerned with...
09 November 2017 2,640 7 View
regardless if unblinding of practitioners was unavoidable or not, is blinding of patients only without the practitioners considered high or low risk of performance bias?
17 March 2017 4,001 3 View
i logged into csl.mendeley. i searched the sty;le which is APA and now want to edit how the author name is written. i don't know how to edit. attached a pic. thanks in advance.
11 March 2017 9,736 2 View
Which has higher evidence and value? SR of few (1-2) RCT or many CCT? Or combine both? And what critical appraisal tool can be used for both RCT and CCT in one review.
03 February 2017 5,911 3 View
I worked on cancer cells. Added cytotoxic drug at three different concentration. Each concentration added in six replicates. I incubated the cells after adding PrestoBlue. Then read the flouscence...
01 February 2017 5,016 5 View
And if yes, what the tool of evaluation and level of evidence of such review? There are trials comparing effect of drug or technique on normal versus diseased so randomization is impossible.
23 January 2017 9,412 8 View
Since we don't have mean or SD as I don't have population, which test to use? Papers mention student test but don't know how. I have two bands for each marker. I quantified to get percentage...
17 October 2016 743 1 View
I don't have much cells. I centrifuged and did not get true pellet. Just pieces of white material. Now my cells were in about 6 ml medium. If I aspirate supernatant, they will have some cells....
23 September 2016 4,178 4 View
As I understand, we aspirate medium, wash w PBS, aspirate, add trypsin and stop it with medium , centrifuge (I normally centrifuge 1000 rpm for 5 min , decant SN, resuspend pellet in medium and...
22 September 2016 9,297 2 View
Some proteins did not show in western . I used 300 ul lysis buffer last time for the dish and got 2 ug/ul protein. I used high conc of cyclin d 1:20 and still did not show so I plan to decrease...
21 September 2016 3,738 1 View
I seeded six well plates: five untreated and one treated and for the untreated : well for pi, annexing, both, neither, apoptotic but i don't think this is right.
17 September 2016 5,192 1 View
I made curve for standard protein 10-60 . How to calculate the sample protein based on absorbance of BCA? Which equation or software you use? .
13 September 2016 5,213 11 View
I pellet my cells at 1000 rpm and using RNA isolation which require 12,000 xg. How to convert this 12,000 xg to rpm .
12 September 2016 9,633 42 View
I cut the membrane using ladder guide to two pieces when testing beta actin plus another protein with different m wt and add antibody to each one. If I need to test many proteins of similar m wt,...
15 August 2016 5,794 3 View
Protocols differ in time to incubate cell lysate on buffer after scraping w spatula. How much time u keep cells before centrifuge? And do u do this step: Sonicate the lysate (Branson Digital...
13 August 2016 204 1 View
Attached is picture of my results. Column 2-5 are drug treated cells. Column 7,7 control Col 8 is medium and presto blue only. Starting from row 2-7 Is it normal that the values are too small?...
10 August 2016 5,526 3 View
I added lysis buffer and have the protein. Should do BCA (Bradford assay). Watched so many videos but don't understand the concept or steps. I need to test say four proteins (caspase 3,9 , PC 51,...
02 August 2016 1,455 6 View
Is cell lysis protocol same for all proteins?.
29 July 2016 1,095 3 View
I am adding drug for certain days, then test the protein expression using western blotting but I don't know if I need to seed cells in six well plate or separate dishes (one for control and one...
17 July 2016 3,969 5 View
my lab does not have Mr Frosty. I freeze cells at -20 then -80, but wondering if anyone could developed a container similar to mr frosty using ethanol?
15 July 2016 9,234 3 View
it totally depends on the cell density and doubling time of the cells we are freezing, but i am asking if there is a guidance or rule of thumb to follow. when I get cells out of nitrogen, the cell...
14 July 2016 8,095 4 View
I suspect mycoplasma as cells stopped growing but I can't see the characteristic shape under microscope. Did this happen to anyone?.
11 July 2016 4,160 2 View
my cells doubling time around one day and i cultured them four days ago and they did not double or increase in number. they did not die neither. may be the medium is not enough? .
05 July 2016 1,679 9 View
i came to find centrifuge set to 11000 instead of 1000. i could not reset it so i centrufged the cells. is cells still ok? after centrifuge stopped speed said 4000. and after fixing the speed,...
29 June 2016 6,132 2 View
My lab microscope not connected to computer and I need to take pictures of the cells in different growing stages. Someone recommended the regular phone camera. Any tips for better details or any...
24 June 2016 7,413 3 View
I added the drug. I want to test cell growth. I will add PrestoBlue reagent to cells and read using micro reader on day one. I also want to test effect of drug on day two and three. Can I just...
14 June 2016 5,113 1 View
The goal of the experiment is to analyze cell cycle after adding a drug.nthanks
30 May 2016 5,831 5 View
Hi my lab protocol does not use trypan blue to count the cells. In my past lab, I used trypan so I could count the cells which did not take the blue dye. So how to differ dead and alive cells when...
23 May 2016 7,619 2 View
When to describe a confidence interval as narrow, and hence a large sample size or wide and hence a small sample size? Thanks
19 February 2016 8,561 5 View
If the papers use binary outcomes ( increase/decrease) and not mention any numerical data, can we still conduct meta analysis?
03 July 2015 3,858 6 View
I find difficulty applying all items of PRISMA while writing SR. which review guidelines of ttt. It does not include any RCTs, so I can't apply Nany items such as risk of bias and its results. The...
28 February 2015 8,922 6 View
How should I use ( I mean the guidelines ) and how should I cite ( I mean how to write the source) a picture or diagram from any website without violating the copy rights? Thank you.
22 February 2015 361 5 View
Thank you in advance
14 February 2015 8,273 10 View
Although there are many alternatives to steroids, they don't have statistical significance. Anyone uses other lines of ttt than steroid for OLP?
12 February 2015 1,453 7 View
Is there ready made template for PRISMA study selection flow chart for systematic review, or easy way to draw it? Do you use word or excel? Thank you.
11 February 2015 112 11 View
If the treatment is still a new one with limited studies, what is the least number of studies can be included in a systematic review? Also, do all studies be of same study design? Ie. RCT or can...
08 February 2015 9,085 37 View
On what basis the author choose to include or exclude certain papers in his systematic review? Why to choose certain age or gender to include?
08 February 2015 9,538 14 View
how we can know before conducting the experiment that it will be non-inferiority or superiority trial? How we can know that the drug /treatment is superior or just equal ?
22 January 2015 1,764 5 View
Some advocate for effect size, and others for confidence interval. Which is more reliable?
21 January 2015 2,974 5 View
I read that we can't compare p value of different studies as long as they are below 0.05, their value does not matter. However, this contradicts with the classification of highly significant,...
10 January 2015 322 7 View
Can anyone explain why we can't use odds ratio in cohort study using simple logical approach rather than statistical one? I read that the investigator can change the number of control and...
09 January 2015 5,727 2 View
Hi. If I want to do qPCR to certain miRNAs, do I send the company the name of miRNAs or sequence for primer or sequence of miRNA? And do u know a company? .
01 January 1970 6,913 3 View
some journals ask that protein or DNA must be reported and have accession number. I don't know if this applied too western results.
01 January 1970 6,591 3 View
It was RNA from oral cancer cell line extracted by Qiagen .
01 January 1970 6,263 6 View
01 January 1970 4,351 5 View
What the regulations to carry cell line on dry ice?.
01 January 1970 9,996 1 View
prestoblue not work for one of my cell lines. i use absorbance 570 and 600 but need to perform spectrum scan on multi plate reader but dont know how.
01 January 1970 3,499 1 View
i, mistakenly, mixed two flasks of t-25 into t-75 flask. both same cell line but got from different vials. one was slower than the other. how this will affect my results?
01 January 1970 3,016 3 View
all my cell lines detached within five minute trypsin except one. i dont know which is better for cells and less harsh: to increase amount of trypsin from .7 to 1 ml for t-25 flask or to increase...
01 January 1970 2,928 7 View
I did PrestoBlue cell growth and proliferation assay and the numbers of drug group is smaller than the medium so the treated group-medium is negative. Does this mean all cells died ? But under...
01 January 1970 2,366 4 View
I know that the prepared medium shoul be used within three weeks only of prepration then discarded but a college told me that the FBS is even more sensitive and should not last more than two...
01 January 1970 7,862 3 View
I have the big brown bottle of RIPA and it takes ages to thaw. How to thaw safely? I know I have to aliquote but concerned to put in eppendorf as it light sensitive.
01 January 1970 5,836 4 View
some miRNAs decrease proliferation of cancer cells. in this case, does the use of thearpuetic agnets which upregulate these miRNA can help treat cancer? and what is the difference between...
01 January 1970 3,805 2 View
this seems trivial question but label disappear on boiling and samples may mix.
01 January 1970 8,564 4 View
In first picture (low magnification), can we consider the two black cells on top corners apoptotic? In second picture is high magnification of one of the cells and also appear dark.
01 January 1970 868 4 View
i did BCA many times and standard protein absorbance very similar. Eg: 60 ug gives about 30 absorbance and 40 2.3 and same for the whole curve. It won't change as I use same concentrations . Can I...
01 January 1970 6,322 3 View
On imaging, there was very faint lines. I am not sure they considered bands. I used beta actin and p-53. Is it possible that cell lysis not worked at all? I did BCA and got reading for the...
01 January 1970 882 3 View
I seed cells in dish then next day apply treatment then after three days collect protein. How many estimate cells to seed.
01 January 1970 7,688 3 View
I need to repeat unfortunately for many reasons: either conc of antibody or expired ab or human error. I may need to use same piece of membrane for two more trials. Is it possible? .
01 January 1970 1,460 3 View
I use biorad marker . Most antibodies m wt around 40/50. I plan cut horizontally to use 3 antibodies per membrane but the m Wt so similar. Can't cut vertically as I have 7 samples. Attached picture .
01 January 1970 9,277 3 View
I don't know if I shall use the dilution recommended by the company or the higher concentration, the more possibility protein will be detected?.
01 January 1970 6,770 3 View
I don't know the optimal antibody concentration so I may not reach good result and need to try another concentration (higher) using same membrane the next day so need to know how to store the...
01 January 1970 7,233 1 View
Is first picture mycoplasma? Or just ink image from writing on flask? i believe the second picture (has regular circles) is from the microscope lens. But don't know how to get it out of the field.
01 January 1970 6,111 2 View
01 January 1970 5,295 4 View
Attached a scheme for the groups (flasks): one flask positive control, one group treated with the drug, one group (flask) treated with medium (live or negative control). I need to use BD apoptosis...
01 January 1970 853 3 View
01 January 1970 8,547 3 View
Other than that hand made gel is cheaper, is there any other advantage ? . Or better to use ready? .
01 January 1970 5,799 3 View
Attached a pic. I don't know why this happened. BTW, this is done on stripped blot. But first time the blot was negative .
01 January 1970 6,793 2 View
My proteins appeared but actin not. May be I forgot to add the secondary antibody to the wash buffer or primary ab actin was expired. So I need to repeat the all antibodies with new gel run? I...
01 January 1970 537 3 View
i centrifuged at 14000 rpm 20 min but not pellet formed.
01 January 1970 7,101 5 View
I am doing western for these proteins and need to know expression level to determine how much cells to grow and how much lysis buffer.
01 January 1970 7,970 4 View
Hi. 1. Why do we use internal (negative ) control as actin? 2. Why we don't attach the detector enzyme directly to primary antibody?how secondary ab amplify the signal? 3. Why we need to separate...
01 January 1970 1,818 3 View
especially websites and youtube please. TIA
01 January 1970 722 4 View
and is effect size can be obtained from p value.
01 January 1970 2,616 5 View
What is the cut-off for positive and negative likelihood ratios to assess a new diagnostic test? In all conditions, contextualization is the key but having a reference cut off would help the...
01 January 1970 1,477 1 View
If the aim just to screen articles and resolve conflict
01 January 1970 7,536 0 View