66 Questions 119 Answers 0 Followers
Questions related from Ajonok Hano
Dear Researchers, I have read an article and there are two set of primer pairs. Sense primers and antisense primers. The paragraph from the article is as [ The partial DNA-dependent RNA...
01 January 2020 7,666 7 View
In 3ml, how can I make all these buffers, I have read this paper for SOD activity, Please find below [The 3 ml reaction mixture contained 50 mM potassium phosphate buffer (pH 7.0), 0.5 mM...
07 July 2019 3,798 6 View
Dear All, I need to check the growth promoting effects of some bacterial antagonists. I want to obtain the jasmonic acid and other growth promoting hormones. Then I want to do LCMS. Any step by...
06 June 2019 2,669 4 View
I want to check some metabolites from the root exudates or leaf extracts. Than I want to check the metabolites concentration like Jasmonic acid, via GC-MS, LC-MS or HPLC. Can anyone explain me...
04 April 2019 3,488 5 View
Dear All, Can anyone explain the pairwise permanova for the group 1 and Group 2. The data is given as below: Group 1 Group 2 Sample size Permutations pseudo-F p-value q-value A C 12 999...
12 December 2018 5,475 0 View
I have a haemocytometer with 25 major grids and each grid is divided into 16 small grids, The dept is 0.1mm. I put 10 ml ddH20 in petriplates and rub to get spores. I take 10ul from that 10 ml...
02 February 2018 2,783 1 View
I run the Gell for DNA of some of samples. However some DNA bands were thinner some were more thicker in size and some of them were like smear from top to bottom. What could be the reason?
11 November 2017 9,916 4 View
Dear All, I want to extract antibiotics and peptides from a fungi. Is there any proper procedure to extract antibiotics from the fungi.
11 November 2017 6,778 3 View
Dear All, I have cultured two fungi one 9cm petri plates. The growth of biocontrol agent is very slow but it has potential to parasitize a plant pathogen. I want to measure the percent inhibition...
11 November 2017 5,078 3 View
Dear All, I have read several papers like these: twelve strains of fungus Trichoderma harzianum were evaluated against Phytopathogen. So in these case what would be the definition of strains?
11 November 2017 6,386 10 View
extracted DNA from soil, afterward I have run PCR using ITS primers but did not get any band in the gel what could be the reason??/
06 June 2017 9,317 6 View
Want to set optical density of bacterial cultures at 0.5 or 0.3 of Bacillus spp and Pseudomonas spp. to check their antimicrobial activity. How can I set?
06 June 2017 3,207 8 View
I use an extraction buffer to get DNA, I got but the quality is very low. I measure the quality and quantity of DNA using nanodrop spectrophotometer??
04 April 2017 6,624 4 View
I usually forget to add proper amount of PCR ingredients and could not get proper results. I need the proper ingredients in proper quantity for 20 ul and 50ul PCR volume??
03 March 2017 6,466 8 View
Is there any know how regarding crisper cas 9 system which can be used to find out the biocontrol activity of soil bacteria??
03 March 2017 8,371 11 View
I want to extract DNA from fungi. Which kits will be best? I want to get good quality DNA.
02 February 2017 4,995 0 View
How to preserve fungal cultures for one year? How old mycelium of fungi should be preserved??
02 February 2017 4,812 2 View
I have prepared the conidial suspension of fungi and now I want to adjust the spore concentration by hemocytometer> Your suggestions are needed.
02 February 2017 598 8 View
I want to do PCR, without extraction of bacterial DNA. Is there any reference or protocol?
02 February 2017 533 8 View
I want to extract DNA of unknown soil bacteria. I would like to send it back to company for sequencing. After Gell running, I would send the company or after extracting DNA, I will do Pcr than PCR...
02 February 2017 9,444 4 View
Is there any company which can have a media having all the required nutrients for the optimum growth of fungi or bacteria?
02 February 2017 1,692 6 View
I want to generate bibliographies rapidly according to a Journal format. I usually add the reference manually. It is time-consuming. Is there any idea? Which software is best to add references?
01 January 2017 9,520 3 View
Can any guide me about omicsoline Journals? The website is: https://www.omicsonline.org/open-access-journals-list.php are there Journals are scientifically acceptable? Can we submit research...
01 January 2017 3,815 0 View
Every professional website has mobile app which make much easir to connect with the people. I want a mobile app for research gate. Do you want a mobile app for research gate? If not, why?
01 January 2017 7,557 6 View
Edit What is the difference between sterilized, de ionize and distil water? Under what circumstances we have to use sterilize, deionize or distil water? For which experiments we have to use these...
01 January 2017 1,074 3 View
I have to isolate fungal and bacterial microbiomes from the soil and to test their pathogenicity on rice plants. I have to grow seeds and then at which seedling stages, I may perform pathogenicity...
01 January 2017 8,682 7 View
I would like to conduct research on mycoviruses. If anyone has, do send me a review paper on mycoviruses.
12 December 2016 9,550 1 View
I am going to study transcriptomes of mycoviruses. If you have recent papers or research do share your papers with me.
12 December 2016 2,631 0 View
The petri-plates or dishes are covered in Newspaper or paper sheets before autoclaving them. What is the reason?
12 December 2016 2,911 1 View
Everyone wishes to write a good scientific review paper. I also want to write a review paper on the plant pathogen. What would be your suggestions?
12 December 2016 3,954 3 View
Does anyone of you know about Trinity software?
12 December 2016 2,274 0 View
How to screen biocontrol agents(Mostly fungal) from the soil? I have to use these biocontrol agents against Rhizoctonia solani. If you have done any research on the screening of biocontrol...
12 December 2016 2,040 10 View
What are the important and new projects need to consider in Plant Pathology? Which topics are hot in these days, in this field of study? Share your information.
12 December 2016 9,677 6 View
I want to write a review paper on Trichoderma spp which are controlling R.solani. Your suggestions are needed.
12 December 2016 1,117 3 View
The problem that I regularly face is contamination of cultures of R. solani. I usually use PDA media but the other fungi also grow. I am using streptomycin to reduce bacteria, still, some...
12 December 2016 9,598 26 View
I want to innoculate plants with the 1 multiply by ten ki power 5 conidia per mL. How can I make this concentration?
12 December 2016 10,046 6 View
I have isolated R. solani from the soil. I have studied morphological studies of R. solani. Now I want to conform its strain further by PCR. Suggestions are needed.
12 December 2016 9,892 8 View
Is there any review paper available on 1. DNA methylation 2. Histone modifications(for example histone acetylation and deacetylation 3. Alternative polyadenylation 4. Telomere 5. decapping enzymes...
11 November 2016 862 1 View
What kind of stuff we must have from the research, so that I have to do protein or nucleotide BLAST? why we do BLAST? What do we want to get from BLAST?
11 November 2016 6,998 5 View
I want to write a review paper on major viral diseases of Potato crop. I can use DAS-ELISA or DAC-ELISA for detection of all these viruses. ELISA is the old technique, I want recent PCR techniques...
11 November 2016 6,162 2 View
I am going to carry out research on plant viruses. What steps should I take before conducting research on viruses? will I have to read research topics? will I have to learn Lab techniques?
11 November 2016 1,189 4 View
Do you have any idea about soil microbiome and plant microbiome?
11 November 2016 9,789 2 View
What is the importance of coefficient of variation(CV)? Why the range of CV is different for the different plant? Why CV is important and what it actually describes?
11 November 2016 1,465 5 View
Recently I have heard two terms from a conference, these terms were transcriptome and metabolomes. Can anyone explain?
11 November 2016 3,462 6 View
Some proteins have secondary, tertiary or primary structures. Even some of the nucleic acids have the same phenomenon. what is the importance of these structures in strength and flexibility? Which...
11 November 2016 482 5 View
Each Journal has its format. Can we prepare bibliography easily according to format of any journal using Endnote software?
10 October 2016 2,972 1 View
I could not get productive graphs and figures using excel software. Is there any alternate software by using it, I may draw useful and attractive figures and Tables.
10 October 2016 5,301 14 View
I need to know, which part of roses, i.e. roots, stems and leaves is preferable to extract DNA.
10 October 2016 329 0 View
When we conduct experiments, then we get data, After this data is put into a statistical software for one way annova or two way annova, why?? Why statistical analysis is important in experiments.
10 October 2016 3,906 5 View
I want to use Research Gate via android mobile. Is there any app available so that I may access easily to research gate website?
10 October 2016 4,967 11 View
In plants, microRNAs translocate from one cell to another cell through small pores called Plasmodesmata. What about Animals?
10 October 2016 7,113 2 View
To think about tenses are very important for non-native english speaker. I am one of them. In the manuscript, I donot find rhythm, I write a paragraph in past continuous than present indefinite...
10 October 2016 5,194 4 View
I just know, it a genome-editing tool. How can we edit genome of an organism using CRISPR?
10 October 2016 287 2 View
Can anyone explain the difference between on way ANOVA and t-test? It would be good if someone explains both tests by giving examples related to Agriculture?
10 October 2016 6,390 5 View
I want to get compounds to check their antimicrobial activities, so which chromatography would be best to separate compounds. I mean where we will have to use thin layer chromatography and where...
10 October 2016 5,208 3 View
I want to know about the difference between qPCR and RTPCR. What is major difference between these two PCRs? For which experiments, I have to use these PCRs?
10 October 2016 2,719 10 View
Blast is about to find out non-chance similarities between biological sequences. Can anyone explain non-chance similarities between biological sequences?
10 October 2016 5,339 4 View
What is major difference between GC, HPLC and TLC? I
10 October 2016 2,893 7 View
Getting results in numerical values from the antimicrobial activities of certain nano antibiotics and then pass these numerical value via a statistical analysis like t-test, one-way ANOVA or...
10 October 2016 4,420 2 View
The 16S rRNA gene is used for phylogenetic studies between different species of bacteria and archaea. What sort of genes that are used to study phylogeny within the strains/subspecies of bacteria?
10 October 2016 7,745 3 View
Single nucleotide polymorphism means single base difference in DNA. My question is that, is single nucleotide polymorphism is present between species to species or within species. If it presents...
09 September 2016 3,053 0 View
Why the DNA loading Dye is made up of Bromophenol blue and Xylene cynaol? Is not there any other chemical which can be used in place of Bromophenol blue and Xylene cyanol?
09 September 2016 1,352 10 View
Is there any strategy to differentiate two strains of the same virus which infects potato plants in different geographical regions? If anyone knows, do elaborate.
09 September 2016 3,400 2 View
Read 8 answers by scientists with 4 recommendations from their colleagues to the question asked by Ajonok Hano on Sep 30, 2016
09 September 2016 6,754 6 View
I have to work on various diseases causing genes of Plant Pathogen. In what situation, I can use southern blot and northern blot
09 September 2016 6,803 0 View
How can we amplify DNA of a target gene of Plant pathogen by using qPCR?
01 January 1970 3,144 0 View