I want to get compounds to check their antimicrobial activities, so which chromatography would be best to separate compounds. I mean where we will have to use thin layer chromatography and where we have to use column chromatography?
After the crude extraction, check the phytochemical analysis to get the presence of possible secondary metabolites in your plants extracts. Then, depending upon the nature of extracts apply chromatography techniques, if liquid extracts means TLC, if gummy, powder or crystals means apply the column chromatography. Before that, you have to identify solvent system to get pure spot on preparatory analysis.
First check TLC of your crude sample. If it is solid then you go for solvent washing or crystallization. If number of spots are more then go for column chromatography.
TLC for primary identification of solvents ratio(eg. methonol:ethyl acetate) for separation of single single compounds from crud extract. after identification of solvent ratio you will go to use caloum chromatography for purification for targeted single compound