GC is with a gaseous carrier system, HPLC and TLC with liquid carrier systems (mobile phase), except in the case of TLC it is conducted with a plate and the mobile phase moves up the plate by capillary action, in the case of HLPC the mobile phase is pumped through the stationary phase packed into a metal tube. TLC is the simplest of the three.
Another difference stands on what kind of compounds you may analize using these techniques. GC is appliable to volatile compounds while HPLC and TLC are useful for non volatile or less volatile compounds.
In HPLC you can do analysis (separation) with polarite gradient (polarity variation). In CPG you can do analysis with temperature variation. TLC analysis is done for reaction control (synthesis for example). HPLC is adapted for Volatilevproduct (with low BP).
Compound detected with GC normally need temperature to 'force' them out from other compound and so they can be detected by detector. They mainly stable at room teperature and need to be volatile in order to be determined. They need gas as the mobile phase carrier. HPLC use liquid as the mobile carrier as well as TLC. I normally used TLC as my first preliminary test to see the separation and determine the suitable solvent to be use as mobile phase before proceed with other advance liquid chromatography system.
Both are Chromatography. Physico-chemical fundamentals of separation technique of use adsorption is called adsorption chromatography. GC and GCMS separate volatile sample they produce compound by help of gaseous mobile phase and liquid stationary phase. GC and GCMS is costly instrument and sensitive. HPTLC separate non-volatile they produce compound by help of Liquid mobile phase and solid stationary phase.