I have extracted genomic DNA from 7 bacterial cultures using a standard kit from Epicenter. 6 of the 7 isolates have each produced nice results. Each has between 50 and 500 ng/ul of DNA when re-suspended in water, when measured with a nano drop, as well as good 260/280 and 230/280 ratios. Each also shows a strong result after PCR amplifying the 16s rRNA gene. As well when genomic DNA is run on a gel, each shows a strong band with very little degradation. So I know the kit works very well.

The 7th isolate shows a nice white pellet at the end of DNA extraction (like the other six). This pellet is readily dissolved in water (like the other 6). The nano drop shows that it contains 456 ng/ul of DNA with solid 260/280 and 230/280 ratios. However, I cannot amplify the 16s rRNA gene with PCR, and there is no observable band on the gel for this isolate. It is like a case of disappearing DNA.

Has anyone seen anything like this before?

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