10 Questions 75 Answers 0 Followers
Questions related from Benjamin Leduc
Hi all! I have a lot of reads that cover about all the genome of a species. I would like to find primers that are really often findable about them (and locate them in reads). I'm sure someone...
11 November 2018 8,340 6 View
Hello everyone! Either I'm trying to setup an emulsion PCR, or design a new solar cream, but I do need to obtain these chemicals. I had contact with a company that asked me information about...
11 November 2018 3,110 2 View
Hello, I'm trying to improve a PCR reaction. I sometime have one of the sample that get a "perfect" amplification, but most of them are just weak with primers left. It does not depend on the...
08 August 2018 7,528 11 View
Hello, I find out the 3D structure of a protein I'm interested in. Then, I would like to highlight by color the part of the sequence I'm interested in. Let's say I study the sequence...
06 June 2018 1,972 3 View
Hello, As this question is missing in the scholar google FAQ and no one actually answer on their site… I'm managing a website that inclues academic publications. I suceeded to get indexed all...
04 April 2018 5,957 2 View
I want 2 graph's, both 10 cm high, first 10 cm large and second 5 cm.
05 May 2014 3,429 3 View
I have a dataset of binary data, and my PhD supervisor asked me to compute an AMOVA on it. I'm not familiar with such a test, furthermore the error messages are not convenient (private joke). So...
02 February 2014 4,402 8 View
I'm doing analysis of phylogeography with a plant that can be either diploid, triploid or tetraploid. I get AFLP results. If I use Nei or Jaccard index there is a bias because a tetraploid has...
02 February 2014 6,286 0 View
I was advised to use Arlequin to do some calculation such as AMOVA. After figuring out I couldn't launch it on OSX, I started it on Windows but now I just don't know how to put my data in. It is a...
02 February 2014 8,158 10 View
A masters student of my lab is working on a plant named Honkenya peploides, it grows on beaches all around the polar circle and can also be found further south (Japan, Spain). We would like to...
07 July 2012 2,779 0 View