8 Questions 69 Answers 0 Followers
Questions related from Rihab Mohamed Abdelrahman
hi, Who should be the first author in published papers extracted from a master or Ph.D. Thesis. Should be the supervisor of the thesis or should be the student who had done the academic thesis?
11 November 2016 7,800 26 View
What are the situations in which we need to do transformation and how can we do it?
05 May 2014 6,915 26 View
I did extraction for a DNA from blood on a filter paper using phenol chloroform method and got a purity for many samples less than 1.8 and low concentration. I used qiagen kit for the concerned...
03 March 2014 2,990 8 View
I have a number of samples of DNA extracted from blood on a filter paper with low 260/230. Does this low ratio inhibit the amplification of the DNA to form a band on the agarose gel after a PCR run?
03 March 2014 1,703 22 View
I am comparing three diagnostic tests in human. How could a ROC curve help me to determine which is the best and how I could make use of all the data I get when I use SPSS?
02 February 2014 1,602 7 View
Would you please tell me how many pages or the percentage of pages that should be written in each chapter of the phD thesis? Thank you.
01 January 2014 6,078 8 View
I want to extract DNA from blood found in whatmann number 3 filter paper using qiagen kit. The kit lacks the buffer that lysates the blood prior to extraction. Is there a lysis buffer I could use...
12 December 2013 7,804 9 View
I found in a paper that they added dUTP and uracil nucleotide glycosylase to the PCR mix for better performance of the PCR.
12 December 2013 4,410 7 View