I am trying to purify mammalian HSP90 from E.coli Bl21DE3 cells. They are histagged. I use Ni-NTA, followed by Anion Exchange chromatography and then GFC in Sephadex 10/300. My protein has a mol wt of 85 Kda. I am always getting two light bands which are very close to each other and are pretty close to Hsp90 in the gel. I have used Sod. phosphate 50mM and 0.2M nacl pH-7.8 in all the three steps. In the Ni-NTA step, I have done step gradient elution in manual column for 50,100.150, 200mM Imidazole. I get it around 100mM most of it. I pool them and ran AEC using again a step gradient from 0.1-1M Nacl in gaps of 0.1M(0.1,0.2,0.3...) on a manual column. The i concnentrated the samples,ran a gfc but still the two bands are there the very same position. Is there some problem in SDS PAGE running technique or the purification itself? Lysis and Equilibriation buffer contain 20mM imidazole. Washing bufffer also contains 20mM imidazole! Please suggest something. Thanks again!

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