I am using a pretty old ATPase protocol that measures inorganic phosphate released by The Fiske and Subbarow method( 1925). Nothing is mentioned about ATP regenerationin the protocol. Should I add any ? and if yes, how and when do I add it? I have written the protocal below:

ATPase assay: The reaction mixture in a final volume of 0.25 ml contained 50ul of Tris buffer ( 100mM), 20ul KCl,20ul Mgcl2(125mM), 25uL EDTA( 0.4mM), ATP of 2ul and xug of protein. Incubated at 37 for - hour and reactions topped by adding 50%TCA. Then centrifuged and supernatant was estimated for pi.

0.5 ml of Sup+ 450ul of ammo.molybdate; then 0.4ml ANSA,( made in sodium bisulphate and sodium sulphate)- 15min @37. Blue colour estimated @ 660 nm..moles of inorganic phosphate formed/ ug of protein/hr.

So do I need to add anything as an ATP reg. system?

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