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Questions related to Proteins
I am interested in using the Postpartum Partner Support Scale by Dr Cindy Lee Dennis in my final academic research project. If anyone can please guide me or help me about whether we require...
23 January 2021 4,925 0 View
I am trying to perform homology modeling using the swiss-model but I have found that the swiss-model gives the same number of residues as that of the template. Whereas my sequence has more...
22 January 2021 5,765 3 View
Hi Everyone, I am trying to characterize the microstructure (localization of carbohydrates, fats, and proteins) of coconut milk powder using confocal microscopy. From the review of the available...
13 January 2021 5,642 2 View
I heard about the beneficial using of bone broth that is rich in collagen for healing leaky tight junction in gut; but I did not find scientific evidence about it, may you help me to find...
22 December 2020 2,122 2 View
I tried two antibodies and one show stain in the cytoplasm and the other one in the nucleus. Why? (Blue - dapi; red - mitochondria; green - protein of interest) And why is hard to find a good...
25 November 2020 6,792 7 View
Can I dissolve freeze-dried catalase or lysozyme directly into de-ionised water or do I need to use a buffer (separate solutions, not both proteins in one)? I will not be storing the solutions and...
11 November 2020 3,371 5 View
Good day everyone, I am starting cell proliferation assay using alamarBlue and according to the protocol I have, 100% reduced form of alamarBlue is used as positive control. My question is, if I...
27 October 2020 3,261 7 View
Hi, I am new to the field of structural biology and am trying to understand how sequence similarity clusters are defined in the Protein Data Bank. As a non-scientist, I would be grateful for a...
25 October 2020 5,526 3 View
Difference and advantages and disadvantages of using recombinant proteins versus chimeric proteins as antigens in serological tests
29 September 2020 5,474 3 View
Hi, I am working on a practical involving protein digestion and I am confused as to how there can be a -19 Da difference. I believe it has something to do with the trypsin digestion and its...
15 September 2020 5,121 4 View
I am working with a florescent compound that is biotinylated. When strepdavidin is present in the system, the binding of the protein with the compound quenches the florescence. I need to perform...
17 August 2020 7,183 8 View
Dear all, I am wondering if someone uses a single point or double point method to determine the intrinsic viscosity of their proteins. These methods are usually developed for polymers and does...
07 August 2020 6,349 5 View
Hi, can anyone guide me with this query of; In order to obtain apo-form of α-LA, is by adding 3-5 mM EGTA to the solution of holo-α-LA (Ca2+bound). This solution was dialysed against the several...
04 August 2020 4,471 3 View
Hi everyone, I've been decellularizing 2D cell cultures for immunos and LC-MS/MS using 20 mM NH4OH. Basically, I incubate my cells with this solution for 5 min and keep the ECM that is attached...
31 July 2020 3,371 1 View
Anyone have any insight? It's becoming a recurring issue. I make fresh transfer buffer each time.
30 July 2020 9,500 9 View
Anyone knows what may have gone wrong with those western blots? I initially thought it might be due to air bubbles, but I'm not sure. Someone can help me? Thanks in advance
28 July 2020 4,171 13 View
I have seeded keratinocytes in 6 well plate. 120 ul of RIPA buffer(with Pro. K) was used to break cells on ice. However, Bradford reagent (Biorad, diluted with water , 1:4) did not develop any...
18 July 2020 9,312 1 View
I'm doing a Bradfod assay but currently I'm still confused as to what blank i should use for my sample, which is the supernatant of PAO1 culture grown in AB minimal medium. For the standard, i use...
11 July 2020 2,980 9 View
i have an Autolab PGSTAT302N potentiostat
05 July 2020 6,096 3 View
When using UPLC-Q-TOF-MS, the mass spectra of some standards has a ion of [2M+85], I want to know what is the structure the [85] represents? I attach the mass spectrum of Diisopropyl phthalate...
27 June 2020 9,024 0 View
I am interested in potentially using commercially available customized HPC molecular dynamics simulations. However, I cannot find pricing information on the websites of the vendors. Could someone...
08 June 2020 9,297 3 View
Could you please inform me how much patchdocking is reliable in terms of docking of protein – protein interaction before and after mutation with some deleterious amino acid substitutions. In...
08 June 2020 5,160 1 View
It is well known that heating can denature proteins. However, what does happen to proteins in the case of short and ultrashort (microsecond or nanosecond scale) heating to extreme temperatures...
06 June 2020 6,816 1 View
I would like to determine if my protein of interest has the post-translational modification of O-link-glycosylation at a specific site. Can I use native mass spec to determine that or should I use...
11 May 2020 5,515 0 View