PCR, Cloning, Restriction Digestion, Ligation, Transformation, Plasmid et al | Contact experts in Molecular Biology to get answers
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Questions related to Molecular Biology
I was using molecular grade water for the qPCR experiment. I want to know if I use autoclaved double distilled water is it fine? What about using DEPC water? Please share your knowledge and...
14 December 2020 3,394 14 View
Hello, everyone. what are the limits of molecular biology? especially when we used it in the identification of the species. Thank's for your answer.
10 December 2020 3,111 14 View
We are fabricating acrylamide beads as probe substrate. How can we make streptavidin bind to the surface of the acrylamide? Thanks!
10 December 2020 8,359 7 View
After doing my primer efficiency, my lowest dilution cDNA ct value is 20.16 and NTC ct value is 31.76. The melting curve is the same for target product and NTC and it is giving the same product...
09 December 2020 5,444 6 View
Hi! We are designing a genome probe, which need to be cut off the acrydite substrate. Yet the photocleavable spacer is too expensive ($500 for 50nmol primer, which is just 1 time of assay). Is...
08 December 2020 1,916 2 View
We are designing a nucleotide probe for human gene. We need to then cut off the probe from the substrate. Yet the photocleavable space is tooooo expensive. We are thinking to use an endonuclease....
08 December 2020 6,041 3 View
I run a lab that is equipped with basic microbiology and molecular biology equipment - pipettes, centrifuge tubes, positive pressure flow hood, qPCR machine, vortex, centrifuge, spectrophotometer....
01 December 2020 2,716 10 View
As current virus case shows, the future of biosciences will be different than that of the past. It is more than 2 centuries that we spend time in labs, performing reactions. As shape of the world...
25 November 2020 5,462 9 View
I have a low copy plasmid (ori=pBR322) and I wanted change it to high copy (like ori=pUC). This paper seemed to say that only one mutation was required to increase the copy number: High copy...
14 November 2020 7,511 4 View
Can i run a precast TBE native PAGE gel (made with tris pH 8.3) with 1x TBE running buffer of lower pH such as 7.0? Would the lower pH of the running buffer lower the gel pH if i pre-run the gel...
12 November 2020 3,354 4 View
Hello everyone, On the 9th of November I believe I was lucky enough to observe two sub-adult Blue Whale’s (Balaenoptera musculus) in the North East Atlantic off the coast of the United Kingdom;...
11 November 2020 7,791 7 View
Hey scientists, I am intending to observe the extension of a short 10-mer primer on a 16-mer template. I just use a certain DNA polymerase to extend the primer on a templating strand with a...
05 November 2020 6,879 8 View
A patient with desminopathy (mutation Thr341Pro DES in a heterozygous state) with the progression of the disease has a decrease in taste and smell, immunosuppression, and an increase in IgA in the...
03 November 2020 6,069 6 View
Hey researchers! So I was using a pET 101/D-TOPO (From Invitrogen) vector of old storage (5 years on -20 ºC) so the enzymatic efficiency of the TOPO has been reduced obviously, hoping it to work...
29 October 2020 3,455 4 View
To do qPCR we have to mix solution or do serial dilution. Like, 1. cDNA dilution 2. Primer dilution 3. mixing SYBR Green, cDNA and Primer in PCR tube. My question is for doing this mixing when...
26 October 2020 2,722 11 View
Recently I have installed Ligplot ( V 2.2) to my Windows 10, 64 bit PC. Whenever I try to generate an interaction plot for any protein-ligand complex, a pop-up window with the following error...
23 October 2020 3,811 3 View
Hello, I'm planning on target my LDH gene by using Crispr/cas9 system and I'm confusing myself on how to place the order for my gRNA... My concern is, would I order the 2 strands of DNA oligos and...
17 October 2020 288 2 View
My sample (erythrocytes diluted in PBS) only contains negligible amounts of other cell types. I stumbled across difficulties using the DeNovix CellDrop, as cell count estimates would vary vastly...
13 October 2020 4,174 7 View
Hi everyone, I am equipping a new molecular biology/microbiology laboratory and I need to purchase a PCR and/or a real-time PCR machine. So I'm looking for suggestions. Is there a new model that...
12 October 2020 10,080 17 View
Option A is injection of an mRNA encoding a green fluorescent protein tagged version of protein X into the fertilized egg. Option B is Immunofluorescence with an antibody directed against protein X
12 October 2020 4,516 3 View
Hello, This citation is used on Wikipedia when explaining that the identity of the parents of the fetus from whom HEK-293 cells were taken is unknown. The link to the USFDA in the references...
08 October 2020 7,920 7 View
Dear Researchers, I am going to run RNA Sequencing on mouse brain samples. I have collected the samples and then I put them in the RNALATER solution and stored them at -80. Following this...
07 October 2020 6,540 3 View
I have seen this phenomenon. Qpcr product band size was validated by Gel electrophoresis. Melting peak tempreture of my product is 79°C.
01 October 2020 506 3 View
Dear all, I was trying to observe the cross section of Al-doped ZnO thin film under optical microscope. It is really strange to observe that there are a lot of shiny dots as shown in the picture....
01 October 2020 6,063 2 View