PCR, Cloning, Restriction Digestion, Ligation, Transformation, Plasmid et al | Contact experts in Molecular Biology to get answers
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Questions related to Molecular Biology
I need to format a manuscript I am writing for Journal of Molecular Biology. I am not able to find a LaTeX template for formatting the manuscript. Please help.
05 June 2020 9,630 9 View
I am making 200ml of 0.5M EDTA, pH8. I mixed 29.22g EDTA (MW: 292.24g/mol) with 100ml distilled water first (planning to add up to 200ml after measuring pH). I was adding NaOH pellet into the...
04 June 2020 4,876 3 View
Hello everyone, I am trying to isolate pan B cells using DynaBeads positive isolation beads. Post isolation, do the beads affect counting in automated cell counter such as BioRad TC20? I will be...
04 June 2020 2,041 0 View
I want to understand the underlying mechanism behind the above-mentioned question.
29 May 2020 1,537 3 View
Does anyone have any recommendations or references on how to study the pharmacodynamics and pharmacokinetics of bacteriophages using in vitro cell line assays? Should I focus on comparing or...
27 May 2020 8,492 1 View
I'm in an introductory cell and molecular biology lab. This is a DNA gel electrophoresis. I've read that degraded DNA is indicated by smears (column 3) and also by a tight high molecular weight...
26 May 2020 7,123 24 View
I am going to construct a library in E. coli, and the number of variants is about 107. To make sure that every variant in the library is included, each plasmid should be transformed into E. coli...
23 May 2020 7,883 1 View
I am going to construct a library where several genes of a pathway are contained and each gene is expressed in different level. The number of variants in this library is about 107. I want to...
23 May 2020 7,636 3 View
Hello, If I want to clone a gene of interest in a plasmid containing ORF, how should I do that, and which criteria I should follow? Thanks, Ramanjaneyulu
15 May 2020 9,571 2 View
In Gujarat, We don't know exact which strain is responsible for his disease and what mechanism (Genetically, Biochemically, morphological) exact work for it, When a genotype/variety shows...
12 May 2020 4,901 2 View
For RNA profiling of frozen tissues, researchers recommend to use single-nuclei RNA sequencing instead of single-cell. What is the reason for this? Also, what is the best way to freeze cells for...
27 April 2020 8,026 1 View
I will be undertaking a project using single cell RNA sequencing on the 10X genomics platform on patient samples and was wondering how much time would I need for the computational analysis of the...
27 April 2020 7,927 0 View
Hello there!! I am looking forward to doing a master’s degree in Molecular Biology in the following year. I am especially interested in structural biology and drug/receptor molecular docking...
18 April 2020 6,798 1 View
Microwell seq (Han et al., 2018, Cell, Han et al., Nature 2020) is definitely cheaper than 10x system. There are advantages: The micropillars used for fabricating agarose wells can be used many...
16 April 2020 6,594 2 View
I couldn't find any tutorial for adding a cofactor to my docking process, using AutoDock 4.2. Checked some forums and articles but couldn't find the answer I wanted. I'm looking for a tutorial...
17 March 2020 5,852 4 View
Dear Scientists Due to serious pandemic threat and the "stay at home" recommendation, I would like to ask you for recommendations of good online biomedical courses. My focus is to get better with...
16 March 2020 5,108 9 View
Wanted to create a composite score for performance evaluation for each individual project each of my team-mates undertakes. I was thinking a mixture of complexity score and performance rating (...
16 March 2020 6,981 0 View
Unable to polymerize stacking gel even after increasing TEMED and APS amount. Can I use similar concentrations of both stacking and resolving gels in NATIVE PAGE?
12 March 2020 3,801 0 View
I have retrieved fasta protein sequences from a Pfam family (PF00394) containing 4493 sequences. Is there an easy way to retrieve coding DNA sequenced (cds.fasta) from the GenBank for these...
11 March 2020 9,839 1 View
The protocol I refer to is largely based on the Current Protocols in Molecular Biology.
09 March 2020 7,102 6 View
Metagenomics is the study of genetic material recovered directly from environmental samples. The broad field may also be referred to as environmental genomics, ecogenomics or community...
26 February 2020 4,672 4 View
Hi everybody What is the relationship between the population's genetic and geographic distance? I appreciate your help. Best regards
26 February 2020 432 14 View
I have just started using qPCR to quantify my16S rRna bacterial community in lake water. I use Molecular biology grade water as NTC (no tempelate control), I was just wondering if there are any...
21 February 2020 6,214 3 View
Hello, I am a user of QuikChange II XL Site-Directed Mutagenesis Kit (Agilent) and I have performed SDM succesfully several times. I always introduce single nucleotide changes using a pair of...
19 February 2020 1,650 4 View