Me interesaría trabajar sobre las contribuciones de la Neuro educación a los deportes colectivos; Como influyen las emociones en el desarrollo de la educación física y e deporte.
Hello, I am currently preparing a preregistered report for experiments in different countries. I am studying motivations/values of students; therefore, I want to conduct several same experiments...
28 January 2021 5,763 3 View
I wanted to elute n-hexane-soluble fraction of a plant extract in a silica gel column using different proportions of dichloromethane/n-hexane. The bands separated visibly initially but moved only...
18 January 2021 9,270 3 View
Hey everyone, we'd like to clean and decontaminate our liquid nitrogen tank before stroreing new cells inside. The tank seems to be made of aluminum. Any recommendations on what disinfectant to...
07 January 2021 1,599 3 View
Hello together, I am working on concrete direct shear Tests, where i apply loadsteps of a prescribed Deformation (left deformation). Since i can only apply a Deformation with a support inplace i...
20 January 2020 8,225 3 View
I'm investigating first row transition metal oxides on diamond surface, optimizing structures and calculating electronic properties (e.g. electron affinity). I was advised that since I'm working...
08 January 2020 8,713 4 View
Hello, Could anyone recommend a free MD software (that takes Amber ForceFields) where one can very quickly (on the Fly) update the MM potentials of a set of atoms (and query the coordinates of...
20 November 2019 7,716 1 View
The data are as follows (overview of the design attached): One parameter was measured in the blood of the same patients at various time points and also in a healthy control group at one time point...
15 July 2019 1,382 6 View
Dear colleagues, I would like to ask you if you have any experience how to use data from ELISA analysis when my standard curve is not as showed in the manual? I have many standard curves that have...
17 April 2019 282 4 View
For a Machine Learning-based project, I'm looking for repositories containing user stories (and acceptance criteria). This can be issue management systems (e.g., stories in Jira) or plain...
19 December 2018 4,195 7 View
Hi, I'm currently looking for a portable gas measurement system to measure O3, NO2 and CO at the same time. I already stumbled upon GrayWolf Sense and Aeroqual. Can someone suggest other...
13 September 2018 6,690 2 View
I feel that the practice in teacher education in my country is below the expected performance level due to very poor management system. Hope I will learn something from your experiences.
02 March 2021 1,516 4 View
I have been asked by IntechOpen to write the chapter for a book they are going to publish, but as I don't have enough experience in the area they proposed me to write I declined their offer. Now...
24 February 2021 2,802 4 View
Hi everyone, I am a teacher of Heterocycles Synthesis, Is there a home practice that you recommend for undergraduate students? A simulator would also be useful Due to the pandemic, students...
18 February 2021 2,769 4 View
Hello Everyone, I tried to form ZnS nanoparticles using the hot injection method and was able to form the same (confirmed by XRD). When I centrifuged, after the reaction I got a kind of white...
17 February 2021 1,709 3 View
Cochrane Handbook mentions subgroup analyses are only warranted if there are more than 10 studies (I have 28), and if they are distributed evenly among categories of subgroup. I am wondering if...
17 February 2021 3,467 4 View
I have remotely sensed data (image) that I want to use in the Neuro-Fuzzy Designer apps of MATLAB. Is it possible to use an image file in the Neuro-Fuzzy Designer app or only numeric data is...
17 February 2021 1,205 5 View
I am researching emotion regulation and identity development in adolescence. I've come across several inventories for assessing identity development and it seems like the AIDA scale is the most...
16 February 2021 1,261 1 View
HI all, I have been working with daily diaries data ( 6 emotions of which 3 positive and 3 negative) were assessed for 30 days. These observations (1level data) are then nested within subjects...
13 February 2021 1,810 3 View
We are conducting a pilot study of an intervention for informal caregivers of persons who have recently received a bone marrow transplant in the US. If you know of anyone who might be interested,...
13 February 2021 9,174 1 View
Possibily not an open access journal which does not add any publishing costs once being accepted. Thank you in advance
09 February 2021 717 6 View