Yes, it is possible to process tissue for FFPE after cryoprotection in sucrose, with some additional steps:
- Wash the sucrose-cryoprotected tissue thoroughly in several changes of PBS to remove all traces of sucrose. Sucrose can interfere with tissue processing and embedding if not removed.
- Post-fix the tissue in 10% neutral buffered formalin for at least 24 hours. This ensures adequate cross-linking and preservtion for FFPE.
- Process the fixed tissue using standard FFPE processing protocols - dehydration through graded alcohol and xylene, infiltration with molten paraffin wax, and embedding into wax blocks.
- The initial PFA fixation allows switching methods, but post-fixing in formalin ensures optimal tissue preservation and cross-linking for FFPE sectioning.
- Take care to orient the tissue properly during embedding into the wax block.