53 Questions 372 Answers 0 Followers
Questions related from Sudev Naduvath
Our Centre for Studies in Discrete Mathematics publishes an open access journal namely Contemporary Studies in Discrete Mathematics. We wish to index the journal in reputed indexing...
03 March 2018 7,968 3 View
We think to start a new research journal in a specific area of Mathematics. We wish to get DOIs to the articles published in it. The journal is to be indexed in good databases like MathSciNet,...
05 May 2016 3,779 19 View
What are the applications of Graph Theory in Stochastic Processes? Is there any graph theoretical models which are being used effectively in stochastic processes? Can you suggest some references?
04 April 2016 9,384 9 View
How can we distinguish between personality and individuality? How are they related? Can we better both by proper training and practice?
01 January 2016 1,851 60 View
Is really Indian research journals have lower impact factors, when compared to the similar international journals?
08 August 2015 3,212 7 View
What are the essential qualities of a good educator?
08 August 2015 1,689 79 View
How can we assess the quality of education effectively and accurately?
08 August 2015 5,581 28 View
It seems that the governments gradually step back from the education sectors by promoting new private and deemed to be universities. Will these developments are really useful for education and...
08 August 2015 9,897 28 View
It is no doubt that the current education system has transformed in to a mere certificate distribution mechanism. The academic achievements and the quality of a student are not measured properly...
08 August 2015 6,426 60 View
Flipped class room technique is considered to be a learner-centred instructional model in which learning is made mainly by peer interactions. How can we implement this method in teaching...
07 July 2015 9,003 8 View
Learning mathematics is different from learning other subjects. Even, learning Mathematics at different levels is very much different. The broad filed of this subject ranges from very concrete...
07 July 2015 634 21 View
Even in this era of scientific achievements and knowledge explosion, we can see the existence of several unhealthy, unethical and undesirable practices in the society. Not even educated people are...
07 July 2015 611 23 View
It is important for individuals, institutions and the state an academic culture and good academic interests. Is it true in the present situations? Is competition, regulations and practices,...
07 July 2015 9,393 28 View
What are the new studies on the number valuations of signed graphs?
07 July 2015 2,582 1 View
Is it necessary that the powers of regular graphs regular? Please provide some materials for reference in this area.
06 June 2015 5,103 3 View
The emergence of private educational institutions have made significant changes in the educational field. There are competitions between these institutions in terms of their academic output. What...
06 June 2015 6,349 31 View
I would like to know the application of different graph labeling techniques in real life or practical situations. It will be highly appreciated if you share your knowledge in this area.
05 May 2015 10,030 7 View
As a mathematics teacher in an Engineering College, I would like to know the different applications of the topics I teach in various engineering fields. I believe that it will affect my teaching...
05 May 2015 6,078 5 View
What are the different Engineering Applications of Graph Theory and Discrete Mathematics? I would like know various applications of these topics so that I can improve my knowledge level and...
05 May 2015 5,390 5 View
The National Council of Teachers of Mathematics have once remarked that gifted students of mathematics are the most neglected segment of studentschallenged to reach their full potential. A lot of...
05 May 2015 4,093 17 View
Different topics in Mathematics are to be taught using teaching methods the best suitable to those topics. There are several established methods for teaching Mathematics. Which of these methods...
05 May 2015 7,783 19 View
Graph Theory is used to explain famous problems like Traveling Salesman's Problem and Chinese Postman Problems. Weighted Graphs are widely used in solving distance related problems as well. What...
05 May 2015 5,918 1 View
Please share your remarks regarding the relation and applications of graph theory in the your areas expertise. Your remarks will be highly appreciated.
05 May 2015 1,086 18 View
What is the condition for a binomial coefficient C(n,r) to be a perfect square? Also, what are the conditions for the binomial coefficient C(n, n / 2) to be a perfect square? Thanks and regards,
05 May 2015 4,426 2 View
Teaching is widely considered to be a noble, prestigious and highly responsible profession. They teachers are said to be respected in the society. Is it true in the present conditions? Are the...
05 May 2015 9,774 31 View
Generally, Mathematics is considered to be a difficult subject for majority of students at all levels. Why is Mathematics so tough for students? How can we make this subject more insteresting to...
05 May 2015 5,712 50 View
We used to hear that many of our young graduate students are not employable, even though they secure good academic grades and scores. How can we make them competent and enhance their achievements...
05 May 2015 5,662 51 View
Will teaching and learning in mother tongue positively affect and add more value to the higher education system? Will it help students to understand the subjects clearer and deeper?
05 May 2015 6,328 20 View
What are the advantages and disadvantages of e-shopping over traditional shopping? How are the consumer rights protected in the e-shopping cases?
05 May 2015 2,379 0 View
Do you think that the inclusion of history and philosophy of Science (and Technology) subjects in the Under Graduate and Post Graduate Curriculum is useful for the better learning of students?...
04 April 2015 6,273 13 View
It seen that journals on pure mathematics subjects have low impact factors, when compared to the journals on other science and Engineering subjects. Why is it so?
04 April 2015 8,294 8 View
The word `Heuristic` means to discover. in this method, the students be put in the place of an independent discoverer. The teacher sets a problem for the students and then ask them to discover...
04 April 2015 9,613 19 View
Is there any significant difference between the research in Mathematics and the research in other Science and non-Science subjects? If so, What are the major differences? Please mark your opinions...
04 April 2015 4,479 6 View
Is there any IEEE journal which allows submissions in Graph Theory or Discrete Mathematics?
04 April 2015 6,771 2 View
How much beneficial the academic autonomy to the institutions and what are its benefits and disadvantages? Do you think that academic autonomy is a solution for the problems that exist in present...
04 April 2015 740 20 View
Teaching is considered to be one of the most prestigious and noble professions all over the world. Is teaching a most desired profession now? Do the present students have a tendency to keep away...
04 April 2015 6,307 21 View
How can researchers make their publications reachable to a wider community? How can they ensure more publicity to these articles and increse the impact of these articles. Please provide your...
03 March 2015 1,920 5 View
Is the concept A + ∅ = ∅ correct? A is any set of non-negative integers. Ithink that if it is so, it contradicts the condition on the cardinality of sum setsthat |A| + |B| − 1 ≤ |A + B| ≤ |A| |B|....
03 March 2015 8,597 8 View
Are there any combinatorial studies on perturbation theory? Can we relate graph theory to that area? If so, please suggest some useful references for a beginner like me.
03 March 2015 2,536 8 View
I would like to know some practical applications of additive combinatorics in the field of engineering and architecture. Please suggest some useful reference.
03 March 2015 4,267 7 View
Will you suggest some really good reference books in the following areas of Mathematics at college level for advanced reading? 1. Abstract Algebra 2. Linear Algebra 3. Differential Equations 4....
03 March 2015 4,610 4 View
As a research scholar, can I freely access research articles from different databases like EBSCO, MathSciNet etc.? If so what is its procedure?
03 March 2015 254 0 View
My institution is planning to step forward for academic autonomy and we have to take necessary steps for conducting academic audits. What is the importance of academic audit in educational...
03 March 2015 7,098 6 View
Would you please help me to identify some applications of set theory, in particular sumset theory, in networks such as in social and biological networks? Please suggest some useful reading too/
03 March 2015 4,910 4 View
How is the RG Score calculated? How is it useful and relevant for a researcher? What is its impact on academic and research field?
03 March 2015 1,762 4 View
Suppose that X is a finite set of positive integers. The sumset of two subsets A and B of X is defined as A+B={a+b:a\in A, b\in B}. Then, what is the number of subsets of X which are neither the...
02 February 2015 2,783 10 View
Could you suggest me some of the articles on the maximal bipartite sub-graphs of different products of graphs, especially two regular graphs?
02 February 2015 5,084 1 View
Please provide me some practical/real life applications for the sumsets of the sets of integers or real numbers. Please suggest me some useful references too..
02 February 2015 7,531 3 View
Please provide me information regarding the recent developments in the mathematical, especially graph theoretical, studies on biological networks. Please give some good reference too.. Thanking...
02 February 2015 7,379 11 View
The total graph T(G) of a given graph G is a graph such that the vertex set of T corresponds to the vertices and edges of G and two vertices are adjacent in T if their corresponding elements are...
02 February 2015 1,769 7 View
Can we assign DOI numbers to our research articles which have already been published without any DOI numbers?
02 February 2015 2,218 7 View
How can we explain the meaning of the term Scientific Temper? How is it related to a common man's living and social interactions?
02 February 2015 4,131 3 View
The notion of sumset of two sets is defined as A+B={a+b:a in A, b in B}. If the elements of A and B are not in AP, then can the elements of A+B be an arithmetic progression? If so, what are the...
01 January 2015 5,680 15 View