Actually, my question is about various sources of Iron like Fe-EDTA / Fe-EDDHA etc. Because we are using Fe-EDTA as part of MS medium but there are some reports that used Fe-EDDHA by replacing Fe-EDTA. Which one could be the best source here? Thank you in advance.
Dear Mahipal Shekhawat it depends of plant species, and the goal you're trying to reach as well. Under my conditions, using FeEDDHA instead FeEDTA the multiplication rates, the growth of microshoots, the plant quality, the rooting, and survival of walnut were improved considerably. However, I don't obtained any observable advantage doing the same with wild cherry and garlic. You must also to consider that Van der Salm et al. (1994) demonstrated that FeEDDTA is break down under light conditions, causing chlorosis because of iron deficiency.