09 September 2015 5 841 Report

Please correct me if you have tried any other method or reagents.

1) 12% separating gel (5ml): 30% acrylamide: 4ml, 0.375 M Tris-HCl (pH=8.8): 5.89 ml, 10% APS = 100 ul, TEMED= 10ul

2) Stacking gel: 0.375 M Tris HCl (pH=8.8)= 4.275 ml, 30% acrylamide = 0.67 ml, 10% APS= 0.05 ml, TEMED= 5ul

3) Running buffer (1X)= 25mM Tris, 192mM glycine, pH=8.3

4) 2X sample buffer: 62.5mM Tris-HCl (pH=6.8), 25% glycerol, 1% bromophenol blue

5) Not going to heat the sample

6) Running gel at 120 V

I'm using total proteins treated with desired drug to see the expressions of Trx. But I also read that with acidic and basic proteins due to different charges, they do have different running conditions. I'm not sure if I need to add any other buffer to running buffer to ensure movement of charged proteins. And also we need a different marker than SDS/PAGE??

I'll appreciate you if you can suggest me and correct me for this experiment.

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