Dear All,
I am trying to transfect a pCDNA3.1 vector containing my gene of interest. The purpose is to figure out the localization of the protein of interest. I have fused the protein with GFP on the N-terminus. Roughly about 12-18 hr after transfection, I observe the GFP signal in the cytosol, however, the signal is very low compared with pCDNA3.1-expressing GFP alone plasmid. Also, by about 48 hr, the expression diminishes further and thereafter it is barely visible by the fluorescent microscope. However, the GFP alone pCDNA3.1 construct expresses very well. I switched the vector backbone to p-N-EGFP vector and I even used the N174-MCS-Puro lentivirus plasmid. In the the different backbones, I observe the same situation with my protein of interest. What could be the reason? Has anyone observed this with another cytosolic/membrane proteins?
Thanks for your help.