Compounds formed by the joining of smaller, usually repeating, units linked by covalent bonds. These compounds often form large macromolecules... | Contact experts in Polymers to get answers
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Questions related to Polymers
PLA thin beams at three different infill orientation angles (0°, 45 °, 90 °)
26 May 2021 3,753 4 View
I wanted to know if there is a solvent available that can dissolve poly(methylhydrosiloxane), but also can be evaporated to get back the same polymer afterwards?
25 May 2021 9,417 4 View
I am interested in creating porous wheat starch for encapsulating a drug molecule into it.
25 May 2021 3,204 2 View
I have to dock my peptides (AMP) with pathogen proteins. Is there any database which has pathogenic protein structure that can be target for AMPs or Is there any way to find what could be the...
23 May 2021 3,263 0 View
Dear friends, I'm not familiar with this "copyright" thing, so is there anyone who can help me with this matter? Right now I/m writing a review article regarding natural products and their...
19 May 2021 4,913 6 View
Hi! We are using microfluidics to fabricate gel beads. Though they have a central mean, the distribution presents a quite discrete distribution. However for our application we need to strictly...
18 May 2021 7,108 3 View
I do not have experience with the determination of the zeta potential of dispersions. Can anyone explain the bimodal distribution of the zeta potential obtained in the result measurement?
17 May 2021 1,299 2 View
Any filler additive that is ok for food contact applications!
13 May 2021 7,210 4 View
I'm working on a project to 3D print silicon. I have designed a nozzle where the two-part silicon polymers will be mixed and will then be extruded. In order to test the design, I need to perform...
11 May 2021 9,538 2 View
I have peptides that are synthesized in powder form from the sequence predicted through bioinformatic tools. I need to check its antimicrobial activity by antimicrobial susceptibilty assay. I need...
08 May 2021 203 6 View
I could not find any specific name.
06 May 2021 7,350 3 View
What is thermal drift and what are its causes ? I did nanoindentation of a polymer nanocomposite. To know the thermal drift, at the end of unloading, low load of 0.01 mN was held constant for 70...
05 May 2021 3,141 4 View
Hello there. Has anyone used the BCA method to determine the protein content of chitosan? What solvent do you use to dissolve chitosan? Did you use 1% acetic acid or another solvent? I will be...
26 April 2021 7,800 5 View
I want to synthesize cobalt substutite alpha nickel hydroxide from Ni(II).(NO3)2 and Co(II).(NO3)2 precursor by increasing solution's pH. During the precipitation reaction, anions in the solution...
23 April 2021 2,058 2 View
Hi everyone. I have a question about the determination of zeta potential for polymers because some of my polymers form an aggregate in solution ( at different pH), making it difficult to...
21 April 2021 7,587 2 View
I want to synthesize porous organic polymer. please guide me.
18 April 2021 8,554 2 View
I have four unknows microfiber and their Raman spectra. They supposed to be microplastics (polymers). I have compared the spectra with PP, PE ,PS, PET, PVC, Nylon, Cotton, PU, PEG (PEO), but no...
05 April 2021 1,669 4 View
Hello, I am working on developing a thin film for solar steam generation from the surface of water. In the literature I have noticed polymers like Polyethylenimine and PolyDADMAC...
03 April 2021 1,733 3 View
Hello, I would like ask a question about I have mentioned above point, How could we calculate Polymer Critical Entanglement concentration? and Is this possible of measuring viscosity by...
24 March 2021 9,989 5 View
Dear all, I hope this message finds you well. Given that thermal strain of FRP polymers (i.e., GFRP, CFRP, BFRP, and AFRP) vary notably at elevated temperatures in longitudinal and transverse...
17 March 2021 2,799 4 View
Hi, I have a bacteria that is known to produce a glycopepide antibiotic, but I can't seem to get it to produce it or i am unable to detect it? Does anyone have expertise in this field who could...
07 March 2021 4,661 1 View
Good Afternoon Everyone.. i hope you are doing well and happy..... I have several Doubts about Polymer Coating Field. Please give me a solution to my problem.... 1.what is the use of polymer...
05 March 2021 6,306 11 View
Hello, I spin-cast two different polymers onto wafers and measure their height as a function of initial concentration. For polymer A, I have the weight-average molecular weight (Mw) as well as...
01 March 2021 8,284 2 View
We are looking for edible fibers that can be used in the food industry does silk fiber edible? And does the FDA approve? Many thanks for considering my request.
23 February 2021 2,025 4 View