Compounds formed by the joining of smaller, usually repeating, units linked by covalent bonds. These compounds often form large macromolecules... | Contact experts in Polymers to get answers
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Questions related to Polymers
If I adapt Salmonella, Listeria and LAB to grow at low temperatures (12°C), what method do you recommend for storing these cultures? 80°C with glycerol? live culture at 5°C? If you know of any...
06 September 2023 7,364 0 View
What increases the rate of dissolving a solid and factors that affect the rate of solubility of a solid into a liquid agitation temperature and surface area?
05 September 2023 6,318 3 View
I synthesized ZnO nanoparticle but can not make a pallet out of them what binder can be used to bind the pallet
03 September 2023 282 4 View
Kindly provide the details
31 August 2023 4,863 1 View
I have a 400,000 Mw average molecular weight PEO and tried dissolving in distilled water overnight with constant stirring, but the solution became too viscous and hazy (gel-like). Even the stirrer...
31 August 2023 4,583 7 View
Hello everyone Hope you're fine. I'm modeling bone healing around dental implants under immediate loading, using a mechanobiological model and finite element analysis. I need to know if there...
23 August 2023 3,673 3 View
I have recently optimizing the structure of some metal complexes using Gaussian 16, DFT calculation. But I have faced some problems when try to optimize complexes containing f-block elements like...
12 August 2023 5,314 5 View
What is the source of energy for producers in an ecosystem and what type of changes occur in the amount of energy during its transfer from plants to apex consumer?
09 August 2023 9,491 3 View
Zero-point correction= 0.176636 (Hartree/Particle) Thermal correction to Energy= 0.187447 Thermal correction to Enthalpy= 0.188392...
09 August 2023 4,801 1 View
Hello, I am working with VASP on free energy calculations for the binding of adsorbates in oxygen evolution reaction on a covalent organic framework (COF) as a surface. I am a beginner in...
17 July 2023 470 2 View
I'm dealing a lot with very viscous liquids, mostly dissolved polymers like PMMA. Often I want to take some of it, without caring too much about the exact amount, to use for blade coating, or to...
11 July 2023 4,094 2 View
Hello, I'd like to use UV to modify the surface with HMDS applied, but I have a few questions. 1. I'd like to know the surface modification wavelength band that HMDS responds to (I heard it's...
24 June 2023 7,614 0 View
We recently moved our Fluorolog-3 equipment and after reassembling it, and when starting the Fluoresscence software we got the error described by you in your manual "Error message: Origin 8.1...
22 June 2023 3,023 0 View
I have recently heard about the complete phaseout of ALL perfluorinated compounds, not only surfactants but also all polymers, including copolymers containing minority comonomers with a single...
15 June 2023 4,898 8 View
I'm using the Sep2 model in Aspen Plus V12.1 to remove water from the syngas stream. I have entered the split fraction = 1 to all of the components in the stream outlet except water but any...
10 June 2023 6,259 3 View
Which combination of polyol and isocyanate can be used to synthesize a stretchable (at least 100%) polyurethane sheet/film? I have tried monomeric and polymeric MDI along with Castor oil as well...
06 June 2023 8,809 2 View
Hi :) I am about to start a project in the circadian field and I will need to decide from now on which vendor I am going to select to purchase my animals. I would like to ask you guys if somebody...
30 May 2023 1,430 0 View
Why does Nylon, like Polyamide 66, have higher crystallization temperature after processing? We have tested the DSC (cooling rate: 20℃/min) of the Neat Polyamide 66 chips (without additives), the...
26 May 2023 2,970 2 View
Hello dear colleagues hope you're fine. I wonder if there is a way to average a field output (eg. Von mises stress) in last 10 increments for each element using: a. Abaqus subroutines b. Abaqus...
16 May 2023 2,137 2 View
i have done several samples using sebacyol chloride, however the TGA results not as wished. Any tips for the amount of monomers.
05 May 2023 4,718 3 View
Hello everybody, I would like to know the importance of phenol red for the in situ alkaline phosphatase activity detection protocol (Fast Red) and for the mineralized matrix detection protocol...
29 April 2023 8,472 0 View
I want to prepare an article in which I will test and examine high-strength concrete with different chemical additives to explain its economic efficiency. please guide me.
21 April 2023 4,144 2 View
Dear all, can you please help me with a quesiton in XRD phi scan? Let's say we have a cubic Si (111) substrate, and I choose (100) plane to do the phi scan, how many peaks can we expect to...
29 March 2023 2,622 3 View
How do I calculate the 10Dq and Racah parameters of complexes with intermediate spin and how do I know which transition states are present? For example, the octahedral complex of Fe(II) triplet,...
23 March 2023 9,887 0 View