Compounds formed by the joining of smaller, usually repeating, units linked by covalent bonds. These compounds often form large macromolecules... | Contact experts in Polymers to get answers
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Questions related to Polymers
Sorry for asking such a basic question... When analyzing flavonoids or cannabinoids, i saw that the use of ACN and MeOH changed the elution order of the components. In RP-condition, isn't it that...
05 December 2021 9,718 3 View
hello, I have a problem in the equipment Cary Eclipse Agilent fluorescence spectrophotometer model G9800A. when starting the instrument a error message appear on the screen,the message is:''Error...
27 November 2021 5,441 1 View
Hi, everyone. How can I to reduce the cracks when a Au film(the thickness is 100 nm and the width is 150 um )is deposited on PDMS with sputter coating. In addition, how to improve the conducity of...
20 November 2021 7,136 4 View
I need way to improve antifogging property for PVA. film compare between glass
16 November 2021 1,978 0 View
How long can a super-long molecule be? I know DNAs and proteins are pretty long molecules. From my knowledge, A stretched DNA can go as long as few meters? Monofilament silk and polymers can go...
15 November 2021 727 3 View
Hello! I have been trying to remove the Phopshate anions from a solution of interest. I was suggested to use beads conjugated with the Phosphate Binding Protein (PBP) but I cannot find any vendor...
11 November 2021 5,092 3 View
I know HMDS is a popular primer in the MEMS field. It replace the hydroxyl groups on silicon surface with methyl groups which believes to bond with photoresist better and thus improve the...
09 November 2021 3,788 3 View
I would like to know how one can perform BET analysis of Boron Phosphate.
02 November 2021 3,393 3 View
Is there a definitive way to determine the delay between the fundamental (800 nm) and it's second harmonic (400 nm) generated by a type 1 BBO? Our Ti-Sapphire laser generates 800 nm pulses at 30...
31 October 2021 3,608 3 View
I am trying to bond carbon based PDMS composites, mainly with graphite powder, to bond either with Kapton tape with silicone adhesive or Kapton film. The PDMS composite is roughly 0.1mm thick. I...
24 October 2021 3,094 5 View
Hi, I am interested in measuring the volume of a Polymer solution, in a mixture of Compressed gas/Polymer solution, inside a pressurized steel cylinder. Would like to Collect data on - What is...
22 October 2021 1,932 4 View
I need to do a simulation of high density polyethylene (HDPE) and get the elastic properties. I´ve read that there are some databases but I´m unable to find one of HDPE. Please help, thank you.
22 October 2021 5,194 0 View
I use a polymer with COOH on the one end and thiol on the other(11-mercaptoindecanoic acid) to exchange with the native ligands of a cadmium based nanoparticle. In one of the literatures it's been...
21 October 2021 893 4 View
I've found no common standard used to explain the surface morphology of thin films of polymers . Is there a good book or review that could help me to interepret the Scanning Electron microscope...
14 October 2021 569 3 View
I will be sending liposome samples for TEM analysis. However, they are not able to do negative staining for me. Is it still possible for me to obtain desirable images?
14 October 2021 6,735 2 View
i am going to do research by using Super absorbent polymers to retain soil moisture but i got polymer in baby diaper. Is it good polymers for research?
10 October 2021 6,141 3 View
I need to know the formula that estimate zooplankton biomass from dry weight , wet weight, ash weight.
09 October 2021 836 3 View
I need a small amount of Zeonex 330R for laboratory use (10-100 gr.) . I have contacted Zeon Corporation directly asking for a quote but never got a repply. I have read several manuscripts what...
01 October 2021 3,871 2 View
Polymers are generally damaged easily under high-voltage SEM due to low thermal conductivity. Although some papers are indicating that the accelerating voltage for PMMA can be as high as 20kV, I...
29 September 2021 5,342 3 View
In the lab, there is titanium dioxide (TiO2, Sigma, purity 99.9%). Can I put it directly into the solution when using it in photocatalysis experiments? If I put it directly into the solution, the...
23 September 2021 2,790 8 View
I'm hoping to modify a vacuum chamber so that it can be used for the deposition of silicon nitride using ammonia and nitrous oxide. However, I'm having trouble specifying an appropriate material...
20 September 2021 3,722 5 View
Can anyone provide values of polar and dispersive components of acetic acid and its Hansen solubility parameters?
20 September 2021 5,336 1 View
Using the pdb2gmx module, I separately parameterized two proteins (polymers), I used the topologies of both and joined them in a single file. I have minimized the energy and the gromacs...
16 September 2021 6,283 1 View
Hello to all, I'm trying to apply REAXFF forcefield on my PE model in LAMMPS. Everything is good with the REAX/C. But it seems that REAX/C doesn't work for model with bonds information. Thus, I...
04 September 2021 1,138 6 View