
I've been amplifying part of the 18S gene from environmental samples in preparation for Illumina sequencing. We were using invitrogen's AccuPrime PCR kit. Everything was working even though the bands were a little faint... Then, we had some contamination in the neg. control so we got all brand new reagents: water, primers, PCR buffer, MgSO4. I ran the PCR program exactly the same way as before. But suddenly we are getting these very bright smears as shown in the attached image at around 12 kb in size. They are only in samples where we add DNA and not in the negative control. I tried cleaning up the sample with magnetic beads in case it was an artifact in the gel but the smear is still there. Does anyone have any idea what could be causing this? Is it an issue with the gel or with the PCR itself? I am not the only one in the lab to see this; others are also seeing these bright smears even though they are doing different PCRs. I have never seen this before and it's very strange. I would very much appreciate any suggestions anyone has! 

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