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Questions related to Cancer Stem Cells
01 January 2014 267 4 View
I was getting good results before, but all of a sudden when I repeated the procedure with the same cell line, same drug, and same drug concentrations, it went wrong. Please find attached before...
01 January 2014 6,821 5 View
We want to do some FACS analysis on freshly isolated primary mouse hepatocytes. So far, we had problems with high autofluorescence. Any suggestions to solve this problem? Can the isolation method...
01 January 2014 313 9 View
My colleague is doing a study on cancer stem cells. which would be a reliable anti CD 133 antibody for IHC
12 December 2013 1,666 4 View
The potential drug does not prevent or affect DNA replication. It prevents cell numbers from increasing through unknown mechanisms. It likely inhibits notch and wnt signalling
12 December 2013 945 3 View
Can anyone suggest characteristics of cancer stem cells, which distinguish them from other cancer cells?
12 December 2013 6,582 5 View
I need a good protocol to use for monitoring the endogenous wnt/ beta-catenin signal and activity in some cell lines I am using. Where can I find wnt agonists commercially?
11 November 2013 5,637 2 View
How can we characterise a cancer stem cell?
11 November 2013 1,276 11 View
Both SP cells & CSC have stemness property in which Sp cells have greater ADCG2 protein expression. Are there any other differences between between Sp cells & CSC?
11 November 2013 9,282 2 View
Its easy somehow to culture MSCs in media containing serum, but how can I culture them in serum free media and keep them alive?
11 November 2013 2,488 3 View
Can you provide practical or empirical ways to distinguish cancer cells from other cells in general or does this depend upon specific types of cancer cells? What is known and not known well enough...
10 October 2013 4,855 47 View
I want to isolate Lung Cancer Stem Cells from tumor but don't know which is the best way to use: using flow cytometry or magnetic nano particle?
10 October 2013 9,448 1 View
It would be used for western blotting.
10 October 2013 2,627 8 View
I wanna set up a control for my test I want to use some cell lines that the cells are positive in EpCAM.
09 September 2013 8,088 2 View
Without using kit.
09 September 2013 6,865 8 View
I am trying now for a couple of months to quantify the absolute numbers of LSK cells, LSK CD150+Cd48- and also CMPs, GMPs and MEPs. Especially for the stem cell enriched fractions like LSK cells I...
09 September 2013 4,292 8 View
Using an enzymatic digestion method(Collagenase treatment) i am not able to derive single cell suspension.The cells come out as clumps and if try to pass through the 40 micron filter i am getting...
09 September 2013 8,799 5 View
Why are my cryo-stocks of cell lines not reviving?
09 September 2013 1,609 24 View
I'm going to work with human hematopoietic and leukemic stem cells derived from bone marrow. Can anyone suggest me the some protocols regarding cell isolation, culture and differentiation? And...
08 August 2013 8,655 2 View
I was performing BRAF mutation analysis. My sample type is FFPE tissue. Now if you look at the gel pic there are a few samples which did not amplify and all the samples have non specific binding....
08 August 2013 7,759 2 View
Any difference between tumor sphere and spheroid ?
07 July 2013 3,446 2 View
For example, can terminally differentiated cell types without replicative potential, like adult neurons, ever undergo tumorigenesis in vivo?
07 July 2013 1,389 15 View
I want to set up an immunofluorescence staining just to check my spheres and use an inverted microscope instead of confocal. Did anybody try it? Any tips to collect and fix spheres?
07 July 2013 9,424 0 View
i have one more doubts.. we were maintained A549, MCF7, INS cell lines if i should maintain upto 50 passage or more. 1). Normally How many passage cells are used MTT or some other assay? 2). If we...
07 July 2013 9,269 13 View