52 Questions 106 Answers 0 Followers
Questions related from Md. Abul Kalam Azad
Cadmium is a heavy metal which is toxic for plants and human at its excess content. However, how can be removed cadmium (Cd) easily from soil?
27 June 2021 5,191 7 View
Phytoremediation may refer as remedy of something with the help of plants, on the other hand bioremediation may define as the remedy of anything by using organisms or living things. In greater...
12 June 2021 6,252 22 View
The crops under leguminous family are mainly used as green manuring crops for their capacity of making nodules in roots for fixing nitrogen, other than all young and green plants. However, which...
10 June 2021 10,028 7 View
Compost is composed of decomposing different organic substances like cow dung, poultry litters, plant debris etc. In contrast, slurry is the remaining substances in the fermentation tank after...
10 June 2021 2,685 3 View
There are thousands of activities are continuously occurring in soil based on different source materials, reaction mechanisms, microorganisms etc. And they are playing important roles which effect...
25 March 2021 8,757 8 View
After aggressive starting of Covid-19, it had a decreasing trends till couple of months ago. But currently, the casualties and infection rate caused by covid-19 are increasing detrimentally. what...
22 March 2021 2,621 11 View
Light is inevitable for the process of photosynthesis reaction. Naturally sunlight plays the vital role for this process. Light may be of different colours like white, red, yellow, blue etc....
03 March 2021 8,260 2 View
Dropping of young coconut fruit is a sever problem for the orchard farmer. But how can we prevent it?
03 March 2021 5,801 4 View
There are different kinds of food stuffs which we intake daily according to our requirements. Carbohydrate, protein, fat, mineral, vitamin, water are mainly working for the growth and development...
02 March 2021 1,208 2 View
We know that the ash of rice husk is produced after burning of rice husk which contains the important element silicon (Si). Rice is of different types, high yielding or indigenous variety those...
10 February 2021 9,792 2 View
Zinc (Zn) and Boron (B) both are micro nutrient elements for plants. If two different fertilizers containing these two elements are applied together, what will be their impact?
05 February 2021 928 4 View
Different kinds of macro (N, P, K, S ......etc.) and micro ((B, Zn, Mn........etc.) nutrient elements or chemicals or hormones play vital role for the growth and development of onion. Now, the...
21 January 2021 1,250 2 View
According to the opinions of experts the casualties caused by covid-19 would suppose to be increased in winter. Similar trend is seen in the case of USA and other 1st world countries....
15 January 2021 2,309 2 View
In fact, I have no clear idea about “FOLINAS document publications’ sharing”. So, I want to know in details about “FOLINAS document publications’ sharing”
13 January 2021 8,676 1 View
Phosphorus (P) is macro nutrient and zinc (Zn) is micro nutrient element, though both are essential to the plants. If two different fertilizers containing these two elements are applied to the...
10 January 2021 7,055 3 View
Generally, nodules are formed in the roots of leguminous crops. These nodules can fix nitrogen from the atmosphere. However, what is the mechanism to fix nitrogen from the atmosphere?
05 January 2021 8,121 17 View
What is the mechanism of formation of nodule in the roots of leguminous crop with the help of nitrogen fixing bacteria?
23 December 2020 6,123 7 View
Bangladesh is also suffering from covid-19 like other countries from the beginning of its attack. Though it is a third world country but the infection and casualties rate attacked by covid -19 are...
23 December 2020 1,220 11 View
Covid-19 vaccine is very closed to its doors to implement in different countries. Some 1st world countries are the pioneer for its invention, and usually they have the preference to get it...
15 December 2020 6,511 8 View
Bio fertilizers and organic manures both are very essential for growth and development of plants. However, which one is more beneficial?
11 December 2020 7,834 38 View
Both oral presentation in an international conference and publishing the research findings in an international journal are credential for any researcher. However, which one is more preferable or...
04 December 2020 592 3 View
Hopefully, the vaccine of covid-19 is going to be introduced in near future. Upon considering the effectiveness of this vaccine along with its introduction to the people all around the world, what...
04 December 2020 2,120 6 View
Currently the infection rate of covid-19 patient is increasing alarmingly. Death toll is also increasing in the same way. The current situation of this disease is probably called as the second...
28 November 2020 9,371 5 View
Both sulphur (S) and zinc (Zn) are essential elements for plants and human body. It is very essential to know the food stuffs containing S and Zn. So, what are foods like fruits or vegetables or...
20 November 2020 2,826 5 View
Different kinds of Isotopes are playing very important roles in agriculture. They are used to detect different nutrient elements in soil and other crop improvement program. But which isotopes and...
17 November 2020 9,428 7 View
Lead (Pb) is toxic like other heavy metals for both plants and animals exceeding after a certain level of concentration. Now a days different crops are affected by lead badly, especially near city...
06 November 2020 1,162 5 View
After the production of biogas from cow dung the remaining semi liquid substances in the fermentation tank are called slurry or biogas effluent. It is applied as organic manure to the soil as...
24 October 2020 4,975 7 View
The optimum presence of essential plant nutrient elements makes a soil fertile. Soil fertility is an important factor for becomes a soil productive. On the other hand, a productive soil is...
24 October 2020 9,835 18 View
Cow dung and Poultry manure/liter both are organic manures applied as organic fertilizers. Both have the potentialities to improve soil fertility as containing most of the essential plant nutrient...
23 October 2020 437 23 View
According to the opinion of experts the infection caused by Covid-19 will be increased again in the coming winter. Because it is to be thought that low temperature is favorable for surviving and...
22 October 2020 6,752 8 View
"Compost" and "vermicompost" are both organic substances which are essentially used in soil for agricultural production. Compost is prepared by fermenting cow dung, liters, crop residues etc.,...
15 October 2020 8,287 20 View
Zinc (Zn) is a heavy metal, but essential to human and plant growth. It has also immune potentialities. But can it work to prevent Covid-19?
10 October 2020 2,435 11 View
A Covid-19 infected person generally spread the disease by various ways. But how many days later the infected person starts to spread the disease to others? From evidence, it was shown that the...
08 October 2020 1,919 2 View
The death toll of China due to Covid-19 was vigorously increased in its initial stage on February/march, 2020 as China was the pioneer of this pandemic. The infection of this disease was not...
06 October 2020 6,038 4 View
BCG stands for Bacillus Calmette-Guerin. It is a vaccine that provides protection against tuberculosis; it helps build immunity against tuberculosis. However, it is effective in preventing the...
05 October 2020 6,243 4 View
The opinions are different. But actually, it is essential to know how long time the Covid-19 patient will be in negative result from his/her initial day of infection.
01 October 2020 6,761 19 View
Arsenic (As) is a heavy metal. After accessing its certain (WHO recommended) concentration level in soil, water and crops it will be harmful to human health. But how is it increase in soil and water?
01 October 2020 4,404 9 View
The examples of organochlorinated pesticides are DDT, heptachlor etc. which have longer residual effects and sevin, furadan etc. are under organocarbamate group that have shorter residual effect....
25 September 2020 7,148 3 View
Many chemical fertilizers are commonly used to improve soil fertility and productivity. Urea, TSP, MP, Gypsum, Borax, Ammonium nitrate etc. are used familiarly all over the world. Though these can...
23 September 2020 9,851 20 View
The main component of vermicompost is cow dung and earthworm, and it is mainly used as to supply of organic matter and different essential elements to the soil. On the other hand, organic manures...
22 September 2020 3,813 8 View
Generally, earthworm is added with other essential materials for producing vermicompost. Can we find any alternative use of earthworm to make vermicompost?
22 September 2020 8,471 8 View
Cow dung is a good source of different essential plant nutrient elements. For releasing all macro and micro elements it should be decomposed completely. If raw cow dung is added to the soil...
21 September 2020 3,135 10 View
There are many greenhouse gases like chlorofluorocarbon (CFC), mithane, carbon dioxide, carbon monoxide, nitrous oxide etc. exist in the atmosphere and which are continuously destroying the ozone...
16 September 2020 5,173 5 View
Ozone is a gas made up of three oxygen atoms (O3). It occurs naturally in small (trace) amounts in the upper atmosphere (the stratosphere). Ozone protects life on Earth from the Sun's ultraviolet...
14 September 2020 8,829 9 View
Nitrogen (N) ans sulphur (S) have synergistic interactions. The increase of N in soil increases the availability of S and vise versa. However, the appropriate proportion of these two elements...
14 September 2020 5,857 9 View
Carbon (C) and nitrogen (N) are both very essential for the growth and development of plants. The ratio of these two elements in the soil influence on plant growth. The increase and decrease of...
13 September 2020 611 7 View
Pineapple is a climacteric tropical fruit. There is a saying that pineapple is very useful for preventing fever. What would be the scientific reasons for it?
10 September 2020 4,999 24 View
Arsenic (As) is a heavy metal which is not good for human health exceeding in a certain concentration. But some arsenical substances are recommended in the treatment of Covid-19. If it is fact,...
09 September 2020 311 6 View
There are many functions of zinc in human body. Sometimes we have been suffering from Zn deficiency, but we have no idea about its symptoms. So, to mitigate the Zn deficiency it is needed to know...
02 September 2020 5,730 4 View
Zinc (Zn) plays important role in plant and human body. It helps in synthesis during cell division. There are some specific deficiency symptoms of Zn in plants. In the case of human being what...
01 September 2020 2,868 43 View
The words acquire, achievement, gain and profit have specific meaning. Acquire and achievement can be used closely bearing the similar meaning. But other two are different. How can we...
01 September 2020 1,202 1 View
Now a days the term "ecological agriculture" is used extensively worldwide in the context of protecting environment. Different chemicals like fertilizers, pesticides etc. are used to produce...
27 August 2020 8,925 7 View