The two cannot be separated because the addition of organic fertilizers follows their decomposition from the organic form to the mineral form ready for the absorption of plants, and this depends on the ratio of carbon to nitrogen and who performs the mineralization process are micro-organisms, while the biological fertilizers when added to the soil work on organic materials in the soil and infect plant roots Leguminous
I agree with Omar, both are very important, however, bio fertilizers can be somewhat more prepared and targeted, mixed in substances that can contain living micro-organisms which, when applied to seeds, plant surfaces, or soil, colonize the rhizosphere. Its advantages: Biofertilizers are means of fixing the nutrient availability in the soil. Generally Nitrogen deficiencies. Since a bio-fertilizer is technically living, it can symbiotically associate with plant roots. biofertilizers with the ability of nitrogen fixation and phosphorus solubilizing would lead to the greatest possible effect. Biofertilizers also promote healthy soil, leading to greater farming sustainability.
Surely we could also find many benefits from natural/organic manure.
Both are better, Environmentalists worldwide are pressing the market and society for a switch over to organic farming and biofertilizers. Organic farming aims to be a more environmentally sustainable form of agricultural production, combining best environmental practices, and emphasizing biodiversity protection and the preservation of natural resources. It also emphasizes high animal welfare standards and the avoidance of synthetic chemical inputs such as fertilizers and pesticides and genetically modified organisms.Bio fertilizers are microbial inoculants consisting of living cells of micro-organism like bacteria, algae and fungi alone or combination which may help in increasing crop productivity.Whereas, organic fertilizers are obtained from animal sources such as animal manure or plant sources like green manure. Biofertilizers are also living or biologically active products or microbial inoculants of bacteria, algae and fungi (separately or in combination) which are able to enrich the soil with nitrogen, phosphorus, organic matter etc. Bio fertilizers act as a compound that enriches the nutrient quality of the soil by using microorganisms that establish symbiotic relationships with the plants. Biofertilizers are one of the important components of integrated nutrient management, as they are a cost-effective and renewable source of plant nutrients to supplement and/or replace the chemical fertilizers for sustainable agriculture
Organic manures are more important and beneficial to apply to soils which is the source of nutrients and storehouse for nutrients, applying just biofertilizer are not at all beneficial without organic manures because biofertizers needs source to act manures addition without biofertilizer can be recommended but biofertilizers addition may helps to release native soil nutrients and also fix the atmospheric nutrients but biofertizer itself is not a source of nutrients.. organic manures apart from being nutrient source to both soil and soil microbes, which maintains soil physico-chemical properties such as, soil structure, bulk density, soil consistency, plasticity, aggregate formation, manges soil pH, CEC. Acid released during decomposition of organic manures also influences on soil forming processes there by results in better soil texture through altering sand, silt and clay percentage in a long run.
Nice question , but both divergent sources cannot be considered for any crop repsonse , since biofertilizers are never a nutrient source and organic manures would never be self sufficient as a sole nutrient source ...
The energy (carbon)for the biofertilisers (micro organisms) is supplied by the organic manures. Sufficient Carbon better M.O. colony forming units. Both mutually support crop growth. Its not the question of nutrient supply but it is the holistic soil health concept.
Non-decomposition organic fertilizer can prevent the plant from absorbing nutrients, and in order to accelerate the decomposition (the transformation of organic matter into mineral ready for absorption) we need micro-organisms.
The absence of organic matter in the soil reduces the effect of bio fertilizers, especially when added to the soil
When you compare the biofertilizers with organic manures , both have different purpose , former is a nutrient solubilizer and latter serves both ,facilitates availability of nutrients and supplies nutrienrs as well.So , in true sense, difficult to compare ...
Biofertilisers are living organisms and organic manures are dead matter. However, biofertilisers live on dead organic matter. Higher the org.source better the BF life
Bio fertilizers can create a dynamic system for the circulation of nutrients around the roots, but organic fertilizers do not. Obviously, the combination of the two increases the efficiency of plants. Which is superior to the other?
I think the answer is: the two complement each other.
I think , undoubtedly organic manures outweigh the biofertilizes by any dimension . However , biofertilizers would never be a source of nutrients , contrary to organic manures.....
Mehdi Abedi I suggest this following paper for your interest. Kind regards.
Panuccio, M.R.; Mallamaci, C.; Attinà, E.; Muscolo, A. Using Digestate as Fertilizer for a Sustainable Tomato Cultivation. Sustainability 2021, 13, 1574.
I suggest this following paper for your interest. Kind regards.
Papandrea S.F., Cataldo M.F., Palma A., Gallucci F., Zimbalatti G., Proto A.R. 2021. Pelletization of compost from different mixtures with the addition of exhausted extinguishing powders. Agronomy, 11, 1357.
Infact both compliment each other so well and both have stimulatory effect on one another.
Organic manures supplying carbon for multiplication of microbes and in turn , microbes aid decomposion of organuc matter to release mineral8sable carbon and other nuteients. So , there are similarities as well dissimilarities , we can draw better results , if both are the part of sistainable agriculture . Unfortunately , use of orgaic manuresshould be discouraged for meeting the nutrient requirement of crops , considering the availability and so high amount i needed. We should apply organic manures as feed to soil microbes to maintain their multiple functions...
Infact both compliment each other so well and both have stimulatory effect on one another.
Organic manures supplying carbon for multiplication of microbes and in turn , microbes aid decomposion of organuc matter to release mineral8sable carbon and other nuteients. So , there are similarities as well dissimilarities , we can draw better results , if both are the part of sistainable agriculture . Unfortunately , use of orgaic manuresshould be discouraged for meeting the nutrient requirement of crops , considering the availability and so high amount i needed. We should apply organic manures as feed to soil microbes to maintain their multiple functions...
Both are equally important.A well balanced farming practices must include incorporation of crop specific ideal biodiversified soil and plant beneficial microbes(indigenous + exogenous) along with enriched organic manures mainly rich in SOM.
Biofertilizer is a natural input that can be applied as a complement to, or as a substituent of chemical fertilizer in sustainable agriculture. ... Bio-fertilizer and organic manure are cheap and eco-friendly source of plant nutrients for sustainable crop production in low-input agriculture.
Bio fertilizers are more sustainable because manure from animals is only found where the animals are kept and can be expensive if the farm is located further away from the manure source.
The two cannot be separated because the addition of organic fertilizers follows their decomposition from the organic form to the mineral form ready for the absorption of plants, and this depends on the ratio of carbon to nitrogen and who performs the mineralization process are micro-organisms, while the biological fertilizers when added to the soil work on organic materials in the soil and infect plant roots Leguminous
Both are sustainable as both of them sustain ecology without damaging soil environment as well as ecosystem while maintaining the quality of the crop produce..but objective and expected outcome after the use is quite different... Unvailability of organic manure and it's bulky nature may change the decision of farmers while use of certain biofertilizers are restricted to some specific crop.. Biofertilizers are the substances with microbial mass(may be bacteria, fungi , actinomycetes) which helps to make essential nutrients available for plant uptake and accelerate the mineralisation processes...These biofertilizers are specific to each crop so no possibility for wider use while organic manures (PM, VC and FYM) may be used anywhere irrespective of the crop taken..I think there is no comparison as their use vary from source to avail, socioeconomic concerns and desired goal. However both of them ensure sustainability of the system
Both are interlinked and interrelated. Biofertiliser is a living entity. But organic manure is a dead matter. However, the latter is the energy (food) for the former. Even the former would also be added to organic matter as microbial Necromass.