49 Questions 681 Answers 0 Followers
Questions related from Jerry Decker
Dimensional analysis derives frequency with other Planck Units. Planck units do not curve space because potential energies and kinetic energies are equal. ZPE is derived from kinetic energies...
10 February 2023 9,674 1 View
Time stops in 3D universe. There is no way to measure distance or mass, which for any practical purpose no longer exist. If all the previous mass is expressed as kinetic energy, then a new...
08 February 2023 3,299 1 View
Stephen Hawking showed possibility of evaporating blackholes as black body radiation. At the same time some microwaves of the CMB must fall into the event horizon. At some CMB density there...
08 February 2023 6,163 6 View
Planck units are calculated from physical constants c, G, and h. Gravitational potential energy is set equal to kinetic energy, giving zero LaGrange Density, no Action, and nearly flat space....
07 February 2023 6,823 1 View
Mass should slowly increase unless mass destroys excess dark matter. If made from an interference pattern of CMB, dark matter should be scalar stress energy and have a quadrupole form with spin of...
27 January 2023 3,543 12 View
Many years I opposed the concepts of dark matter and dark energy as fudge factors to correct other mistakes. Eventually I realized that stress energy fields like these can be produced by...
22 January 2023 1,967 50 View
In other threads it was suggested that kinetic energy and potential energy compete for curvature. Kinetic energy was said to bend space backward compared to gravity. LaGrange function is well...
04 January 2023 4,818 15 View
Tolman used a well known method in General Relativity setting ds to zero. c'/c = 1- 2MG/rc2 Light is shown slowing down when approaching a large gravity source. c is in flat space. Dicke used a...
04 January 2023 650 6 View
Quadratic form of energy and momentum are well proven in accelerator experiments. E2 =(mc2)2 +(pc)2 Also energy is the sum pf potential and kinetic where gravity is part of the potential. E = T...
30 November 2022 9,380 8 View
Gravity potential energy is related to c2 while EM energy is related to c. In terms of quantum oscillators with amplitudes and frequencies, when energies are equal, forces are unequal. Gravity...
24 August 2022 9,562 5 View
Richard Feynman showed that antimatter goes backward in time. Special Relativity shows that some travelers go forward in time more quickly than others. Time travel appears to have possibilities,...
16 July 2022 628 21 View
In other discussions the possibility was considered that a curl free field accompanies CMB because of the interference patterns that microwaves are known to make with each other in design of...
30 December 2021 3,997 4 View
In another question about NASA test of asymmetric thrustor, the published data suggested a possible force interaction of the device with some stress energy field that was moving about the same...
12 November 2021 8,963 2 View
Poynting vectors in curl free vector fields were discussed in a previous thread as possible sources of propulsion including several types. When Poynting vectors are also canceled out, the result...
06 July 2021 6,722 13 View
When a vector field has a non zero curl, the curl might describe a magnetic field also implying the presence of an electric field. This question is about vector fields with curl of zero. Gradient...
22 June 2021 4,307 1 View
Electromagnetic propulsion is hindered by low efficiency, meaning small thrust for large power. Speed of light is the cause of inefficiency, where EM energy moves at light speed. Thrust F is...
22 June 2021 8,322 3 View
In other threads topics were discussed about concepts of frame dragging and stability of de Sitter space. In the present question a topic is being explored about eventual high speed travel in...
24 May 2021 3,994 4 View
Conventional thoughts of inertia are internal to an object, not satisfactory for a number of reasons. Limiting speed of light is telling that a moving object interacts with the local space time,...
20 May 2021 1,368 7 View
Many conservation laws are found in references, also selection rules and exclusion rules. Time passage is taken for granted, but I don't find any law that compels time to pass. Discussions in...
17 May 2021 222 11 View
Arguments are made in research that galaxy clusters accelerate away from each other, but not uniformly among the galaxies. Lagrangian Function and Lagrangian Density give ways to describe movement...
30 March 2021 7,616 4 View
Several classical age writers described Sirius as red or reddish or more red than Mars, along with other red and orange stars that are still the same colors described in the past. Sirius has...
06 January 2021 1,306 2 View
White dwarf stars are said to nova when they collect a quantity of hydrogen on the surface. Sirius B is reported to have a spectrum of pure hydrogen. Also it is one of the highest mass known white...
06 January 2021 9,581 2 View
Roger Penrose in the book Cycles Of Time requires all mass and energy to be converted to electromagnetic radiation. This is the sequential end of time in an old universe 3D not 4D and the setting...
03 January 2021 9,365 3 View
Roger Penrose has promoted his book Cycles Of Time as an alternative view of Universe early beginnings. Along with other researchers he finds faint circles of temperature variations in the CMB...
03 January 2021 7,569 4 View
Dirac and others combined the physical properties of vacuum space to predict a large energy in space, sometimes described in Planck units. Other researchers looked into the vacuum and found little...
13 October 2020 9,218 3 View
Albert Einstein departed from constant light speed in General Relativity in his 1921 lectures at Princeton. The reference is given in his equation 107 where L is the ratio between local light...
12 October 2020 6,147 16 View
In the study of deep space transport at high speed, the concept of frame dragging was developed as a kinetic energy field of stress curvature behind a vehicle and reverse curvature around the...
22 September 2020 5,638 1 View
Published research by others is claiming that once a collapse of false vacuum begins it cannot be stopped, and propagates everywhere at light speed. In a large universe billions of years elapse...
21 September 2020 9,559 1 View
Swimming is my best sport after six years of lessons and qualifications long ago. Life saving methods for drowning victims were taught every year, earning qualification each year at a higher level...
14 April 2020 3,278 19 View
First Maxwell Equation says divergence of electric field is created by electric charge density in the local space and the electric property of flat vacuum space. ∇ · E = ρ/ϵo Second Maxwell...
26 July 2019 5,948 32 View
In other threads vacuum space was discussed for possibilities of scale relativity, squeezed quantum states, and hierarchy of Plancks. In each or these a quantum state of local space is associated...
30 April 2019 3,150 3 View
Thirty years ago Roger Penrose published a book The Emperor's New Mind arguing that AI could not have human like thoughts with the available level of technology. Technology has advanced, so the...
27 March 2019 7,278 4 View
Rotation would imply a preferred axis and differential accelerations not accounted in GR or other theories. What methods tell whether or not there is rotation. Most observable things rotate. Is...
09 January 2019 6,872 8 View
Neutron stars are sometimes detected by their extended magnetic fields, or by radiation from particles interacting with the fields. This question is about the possibility of neutron stars in...
02 December 2018 6,825 1 View
Much discussion of time travel stops at discovery of a paradox. Some time later a researcher proposes some way the paradox can be resolved, bypassed, or deconstructed. Quantum mechanics of...
23 October 2018 4,756 3 View
Exclusion rules seem to need a mechanism and power supply for enforcing the exclusion. Does Some Property Of 4D Vacuum Space Prevent The Freedom Of Fractional Electric Charges?
22 October 2018 8,781 1 View
In one well known personality test there are 16 major types all of which are regarded as normal and useful in research. I recall a seminar in which the group activity was to answer a question and...
06 October 2018 5,795 4 View
Experiments in high energy have reported hard collisions of point like particle electrons. Spin angular momentum is suggesting the electron has geometry larger than a point. Scattering of...
28 September 2018 5,635 9 View
Masons are reported to be made of a quark and an antiquark both with fractional charges, net charge integer or zero. None of the masons are found to have fractional charges. All the large variety...
20 September 2018 4,593 4 View
Pairs of particles or larger groups are not usually considered to be real unless they separate by distance of more than a wave length and become measurable in isolation. In space vacuum virtual...
17 September 2018 3,269 14 View
CBB was discovered some years after Albert Einstein died. It was not part of the original context in GRT. https://www.researchgate.net/post/Do_objects_move_in_relation_to_space-time_in_GR? Is...
14 August 2018 3,445 1 View
From conventional energy and momentum we get the equation. (mc2)2 = E2 (1 - v2/c2 ) This question depends on how quickly energy increases compared to velocity. The conventional equations do not...
27 July 2018 9,514 14 View
Based on the popular conclusion that collapse of a false vacuum destabilizes matter, the creation of false vacuums in higher energy scales might be expected to increase the stability of...
07 May 2018 6,883 2 View
In a previous question the existence of space-time was questioned in absence of objects. In this question the existence of objects is questioned in space different than ours. The history of this...
30 March 2018 4,890 1 View
Much discussion occurs on topics that have been around for many years. Is there a new topic, or are we just refining the old ones. What Are The Leading Edge Topics Of Physics Research In...
19 January 2018 8,642 7 View
Consider a pulsar that is near the high mass limit for a neutron star. It might acquire additional mass from the surroundings and become a rotating black hole. What happens to the magnetic field?...
08 November 2017 755 3 View
On Earth the distances between magnetic poles and poles of rotation are complicated by structural factors. In a neutron star the structure should be fairly uniform. But the most outstanding...
08 November 2017 5,912 7 View
The group MG/r occurring in an equation indicates that action at a distance is being described. Newton realized that something unknown must be operating on a smaller scale, but had no tools to...
16 June 2017 3,129 3 View
Conclusions from 1000 scientist at LIGO is that mass was converted to energy 2 or 3 times about 1 to 2 billion years ago without antimatter to annihilate the lost mass. References were made to...
21 June 2016 8,188 28 View