Much discussion of time travel stops at discovery of a paradox.

Some time later a researcher proposes some way the paradox can be resolved, bypassed, or deconstructed.

Quantum mechanics of superimposed states gives some possibility that paradox can be prevented.

Much work on high energy theories are predicting that 4D space of our experience has limited capacity to contain energy, before it bends into layers and sheets contained in a higher dimensional system.

With layers and sheets, space time may become folded back upon its history, while short paths between the layers may create possibilities of travel between the stars. Some research predicts that time travel Is as difficult as star travel, and the two must be achieved at the same time with the same equipment configured a bit differently.

Often a colleague will express doubt that time travel will ever become possible. In each instance the colleague is referring to conventional thoughts on the underlying principles.

What Properties Does Space Time Need To Have For Time Travel To Become Possible?

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