I'm trying to extract DNA:
The extraction buffer consists of Tris-HCl, NaCl, EDTA and SDS. I put 600ul of the extraction buffer for extraction using steel beads and homogenizer, followed by addition of 20ul of proteinase k, incubate at 65°C for 2 hours. Then centrifuge to obtain the supernatant. Add equal volume of isopropanol to the supernatant, invert and rest at room temperature 5 min, then centrifuge to discard the supernatant. The dna pellet is a bit yellowish or brownish color. The color maintained even though i washed it with 70% ethanol twice and finally elute with 20ul of preheated TE buffer.
Even after elution, it is yellowish and it seems like it is not fully dissolved in the buffer even after i heat it at 50°C for 10 min. When i try to quantify it using a uv spec, it was around 2500ng/ul (30mg of leave sample) and 7000ng/ul (60mg leave sample) (Previously i used kit to extract and almost never get more than 300ng/ul, so i'm a bit skeptical)
Q1) Is it normal to get yellowish DNA pellet? or is the yellowish thing the protein?Will UV spec give reading if its protein?
Q2) Why cant the DNA pellet fully dissolved?
Q3) Will the yellowish thing inhibit downstream analysis like PCR, cloning, etc?
Q4) How to get rid of the yellowish color?
Any opinions/suggestions are welcomed and much appreciated.Thank you.