02 February 2019 5 454 Report

The picture shows plant RNA extracted from trizol and run on 1x TAE 1% agarose gel (loaded 5ul of RNA in each well) 110V 20m.

1) From what I understand normally 28S band should have double the intensity of 18S but in my case, my 18S band is much brighter. Is something wrong with my RNA? Can I still use it for cDNA synthesis and RT-qPCR?

2) How do I run the gel to get sharper bands? Will running the gel at lower voltage and longer time (Example: 90V for 45m) give sharper band? If I run it for longer time, will the heat generated degrade my RNA?

3) Are the lower 2 bands the 5.8S and 5S?

4) I don't see any DNA bands on the gel, so is it OK to skip the DNase step? Will it affect RT-qPCR later?

Any opinions or suggestions are most welcomed and appreciated.


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