Now I'm using 12 % SDS PAGE, I'd like to increase a gap between 85 kDa and 55 kDa protein bands to get a better result, Can anyone give me some suggestions about what percentage of SDS PAGE gel I can use to get distinct gaps between these two bands?
10% gel is enough to seperate 55 to 85 KDa protein.Use acrylamide bis acrylamide ratio at 37.5:1 and run your gel at constant mA ,10 mA for stacking and 20 mA for running for a single gel.Use electrophoresis buffer by using 3 g of TRIS/lit,18 g of glycine/lit and 1g SDS/lit.It works v well,Good luck.
You can try running the conventional PAGE that are longer than the mini-protean for the same 12% gel. Even 15%gels are good to give this resolution. I case of Miniprotean run them at 150 volts for 1hr 15 min that will also help you to widen the gap between 55 and 80kDa.