My samples contain protein and likely green tea compounds. After my sample preparation I added NuPAGE reducing agent (Novex) and Novex NuPAGE sample buffer and heated the samples for 2 min at 85 degree Celsius (according to the manufacturer). I then stored my samples in the freezer. Samples then were blue from the sample buffer. I had to run my samples again weeks later and I noticed that first time I took them out 2 of my samples (was a digestive had different aliquots) were not blue anymore but greenish/brown. A week later even now, they were all brownish in color. SDS-PAGE results look very similar, however on the latest PAGE I have smearing. Doesn't seem like I lost proteins but I wonder if the smearing comes from oxidation? pH changes? Anyone know why such frozen samples turn brown? I highly suspect reoxidation or change in pH...

Any suggestions are greatly appreciated.


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