Why there is an increase in pH with gassing in cell culture bioreactor? is it normal or there is some problem with the inlet gas? And how to overcome this problem.
Jitender: The problem you are facing is a matter of cell viability in the bioreactor, even though you are blowing in CO2 constantly. In a normal and healthy environment, the medium shall become acidic (orange color), and basic pH suggests dying cells. Is there any way to check for that? When the cells are healthy, everything will be good. Good luck.
@ZHAO this happens even in media itself also before seeding the reactor.
The only possible reason i could find is with the removal of carbonic acid from media with aeration. as it converts to co2 and air remove it from media.
And in cell culture media bicarbonates are the buffering agents.
beyond the saturation point solubility issue with CO2 and water (carbonate buffer) should not come i guess. but you can check it if this really have an impact on pH, without culture u can give three different flow rate to media (low medium and high) and then go for pH check, same with cultures, if its due to culture and cell viability in sec case you will see much difference.