Generally speaking, the area of a single well in the 24 well plate is 1 in 5 compared with the 6 well plate, and 1 in 30 compared with 10 cm dish. So as for adherent cells, let's say HeLa cell for example, I always plate 1.5*10^6 cells for 10cm dish to reach about 30% confluence, so I guess I would plate 5*10^4 cells for a single well in the 24 well plate.
You can transfer cells by calculation of surface area and confluence of the cells or you could try seeding it at a definite cell number. The purpose of the experiment will usually determine the cell number or confluence.
Usually, a 25% confluent plate is good enough for an experiment to be done within 2 days. Based on the confluence of the starting culture vessel, surface area of the starting vessel, required confluency in your experimental well and surface area of your experimental well and your purpose, you could find the split ratio as mentioned by Gaber Ramadan in this post.
Although you could consider the suggestions given herein, it would be best if you worked out the conditions yourself based on the necessity of the experiment and the length of the experiment. Good luck