In brief, I have been labeling my cells with 50uM BrdU over >2X the doubling time of the cells. Thereafter, I would wash the cells 4X with 1XPBS before fixing them with 4%PFA. The cells are then permeabilised with 0.5% Triton-X, 3% BSA in 1XPBS. The DNA are hydrolysed with 2M HCl at room temp for 45 minutes followed by 37degC for 15 minutes. The acid is then neutralised with 0.1M sodium borate buffer pH 8.5 for 30 minutes at room temp. I then follow up with my normal immunofluorescence staining protocol, where I block with 3% BSA in 1X PBS pH7.4 before subjecting to staining with my primary antibody, secondary antibody, cell mask and DAPI.
However, I do not get any strong BrdU signals in the nuclei of my stained cells.
Does anyone have recommendations on how I can improve my protocol for it to work?
To those people who have succeeded at doing BrdU staining for confocal microscopy, is there any anti-BrdU antibody to recommend? This is because I am also suspecting the quality of my antibody.