I have difficulty in separating the phosporylated M-MITF band and total M-MITF isoform, both of which are approximately 60kDa. I have used the cocktail of C5 clone and D5 clone, both of which are mouse monoclonal antibodies recognizing MITF for the better sensitivity in MITF detection. After exposure to SCF (10-50ng/ml) for up to 30min, M-MITF band becomes upwards shifted, however, according to the previous papers on the investigation into MITF expression in melanocyte-lineage cells and malignant melanoma cells, M-MITF band should be separated depending on the phosphorylation. The cocktail of these two monoclonal antibodies should be changed into C5 or D5 alone? Or, the protein should be harvested only from the nucleus, instead of the whole cell lysate??