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Questions related to Machines
Are there engineering problems which can be modelled as Bi-Matrix Games? #Matrix Game Theory #Lemke-Howson Algorithm #Engineering Applications #Nash Equilibria
06 October 2020 2,739 1 View
It seems that using machine/deep learning to solve PDEs is very popular (actually, not only in scientific computing, but also in all fields). So I want to know the reasons behind this. And is the...
05 October 2020 825 4 View
I understand that weights in DEA are assigned to the inputs and outputs using Linear Programming. But what is the concept behind this assignment, what is the basis, how are these weights are being...
03 October 2020 3,339 13 View
Dear researchers, Please tell me quick measuring method of bucket-fill factor on site without interrupting operations. Thanks
23 September 2020 8,088 4 View
Hello, Here is my question
22 September 2020 529 1 View
Hello, I am running PCR for genotyping. I didn't have problem till this Summer, when I couldn't see any band on the gel. I checked primers, Taq, etc. I bought new stocks etc. But still I can't...
17 September 2020 7,939 5 View
Hello, how do you remove the black foil from the vine nursery? Attached picture in the file. is there machine way or by hand?
05 September 2020 3,771 2 View
my data comprises of both physical, chemical and bacteriological data
01 September 2020 7,121 4 View
I did flowcytometry on the migrated t cells in chemotaxis assay to assess some surface markers. However the number of events is pretty low (less than 4000, aurora machine, high flow rate), which...
28 August 2020 1,199 3 View
I'm working on storage acccess prediction in distribution system, and searching for real traces which include the following information: 1. Machine id - the machine which has been requested for...
24 August 2020 7,582 2 View
I am working on formal specifications expressed as classical finite-state automata with atomic events. I want to test my work on multiple specifications. Do you know of any archive or repository...
18 August 2020 3,543 1 View
Hi, When I start the measurement after putting my sample in DLS machine, it shows zero count rate and didn't measure the readings. I have also attached the screenshot for your kind consideration....
18 August 2020 6,015 3 View
For me research I cannot use any cationic photoinitiator / photoacid generator, but Irgacure PAG 103. So my question only applies to this single product of BASF. Has anyone used it for cationic...
18 August 2020 6,359 2 View
some of the the articles are not even mine. how do I remove them.
14 August 2020 7,115 2 View
Hello, I am going to use stratagene mx3005p qpcr machine for my studies. Currently, I am using 30-second extension time. But I am getting amplifications for the negative control too. So, I decided...
13 August 2020 4,788 2 View
Hi, I have a short amplicon that is 53 bp long. I want to quantify how many DNA copies in my NGS sample by amplifying the short amplicon with TaqMan qPCR method. My probe is 20 nt long,...
12 August 2020 776 3 View
Hello, I am trying to encapsulate a hydrophobic and hydrophilic drug in PLGA 50:50 matrix. I have good drug loading of the hydrophobic drug but very low drug loading of the hydrophilic one. What...
09 August 2020 5,588 4 View
Small signal stability analysis of multi-machine power system using PSAT software
07 August 2020 8,435 3 View
I want to control the speed of the synchronous motor .Firstly i used the three phase rectifier and output is fed to the spwm inverter ,and that output is fed to the synchronous motor, in...
06 August 2020 4,916 3 View
Hello,, Dose anyone know the internal pressure of x-ray vacuum insert used in CT scan machines? Thank you
04 August 2020 8,952 2 View
What method would you recommend me to carry out a rainfall-runoff analysis with "limited" data (Monthly rainfall [series of 71 years], soil map, LULC map, DEM)? I wanted to use the SCS-CN method...
03 August 2020 912 23 View
Hello I work with the IQF machine My problem is that when wet vegetables enter the machine, the efficiency of the machine decreases. What can be done to remove moisture from vegetables without...
02 August 2020 8,453 1 View
We don't know the source of letters and numbers on which these symbols are constructed . Although human used the guts feelings at the time of using because our ancestors developed these symbols...
02 August 2020 2,397 4 View
In simscape i want to control the speed of the motor.Firstly i used the rectifier with lc filter and then it is fed to three phase inverter and the three output is given to the motor.Here i used...
29 July 2020 246 4 View