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Questions related to Machines
My research is at the topic of bio-degradation of plastic and problem we face here is we are not able to check the degradation process is it start or please tell me how we check it? thank you
12 February 2020 3,022 4 View
Many properties of TBM machine need in input data of program plaxis 3d. What's difference between soil and rock in this properties?
05 February 2020 6,057 1 View
There are many chemicals and PGR mentioned in the literature for rooting of Olive and I used IBA. I want to know about the best one for better results from experts of Olive. Please mention with...
02 February 2020 4,962 3 View
Dear all, In our lab we have thermal desorption on line with gas chromatography coupled to a mass spectrometer detector for VOC identification and quantification in indoor air samples. The GC...
28 January 2020 8,617 3 View
I am looking for a ERP platform (with case study/tutorial materials and data sets) that could replace SAP ERP GBI software, to help teach my students the practical elements of Enterprise Systems....
27 January 2020 3,723 5 View
i need manufacturers information in china for machines and equipment for zn-aluminum wire
26 January 2020 9,360 2 View
The Pangaea Broke up billions of years ago but the South Pole didn't move from it's original position? To my knowledge? Biologically the Pangaea super-continent should be the most interesting...
26 January 2020 4,415 0 View
The 3 factors of machine remains constant MTTR ,availability(AT) and cycle time(CT), but the TH changes as the capacity and length of conveyor changes .factors like MTTR, availability(AT) and...
25 January 2020 8,452 3 View
In a 18th century private diary, surfaces are never measured thanks to units. Instead of that, the landlord registered each number of trees. That is why I should need to know what was...
21 January 2020 8,384 4 View
During animal cell subculture,After estimating the viable cells using automated cell counter machine, how researchers know that this much amount of cells to be added to this much amount of growth...
17 January 2020 9,441 3 View
Kindly list the advanced functions you want and elaborate that why you need the same?
12 January 2020 4,355 2 View
We have a residue management project running here in our station, inside this project we want to measure draft power variation due to different factors. In this case, we need to measure the power...
07 January 2020 7,002 3 View
Scheduling n jobs on a single machine regarding total earliness and tardiness is characterized via the Graham notations as 1 || sum_j (E_j + T_j). Let me review a bit history of this...
29 December 2019 6,979 7 View
Is there any other way to prepare aas sample for E-waste degradation with the help of bacteria
20 December 2019 8,538 4 View
Dear All, I am planning to cure (T700GC/134) carbon fiber prepreg, using hot press machine. Could anyone please suggest the curing time, temperature and pressure for me? Your cooperation is much...
18 December 2019 5,893 1 View
I'm planning to use a Miltenyi brain tumour dissociation kit, but without the gentleMACS machine. Does anyone know where I can find the parameters of the machine's programs/protocols?...
17 December 2019 6,485 1 View
As far AI already killed 700 humans, by refusing to obey human pilots'orders, their legal responsability have to be urgently defined, especially concerning insurances and victim's indemnizations....
01 December 2019 1,311 4 View
I am working on this Labnet gradient Thermal cylcer (Multigene optimax) and facing some problem, as when I set a reaction, start it, after some time (mostly after denaturation or in the cycles)...
30 November 2019 3,268 1 View
Hello everyone. I have yearly Observation and Raster value data. I need to calculate monthly Pearson Correlation Coefficient. I started to do it, but it took lots of time. I realize It will take...
28 November 2019 3,585 2 View
im working on my thesis this year and i wanna try to work with stormwater modelling but i confused after i look the others project of swmm in the internet, why everyone didnt draw sub catchment...
18 November 2019 4,464 2 View
I need to calculate the slip of an induction generator during a fault at the terminal of the machine, without the knowledge of the rotational speed of the machine. It can be assumed the mechanical...
16 November 2019 3,054 3 View
The billet sawing machine thus enables to cut two rods at the same time in order to reduce the cutting time and also could be improved 50 to 75 % (approx.) of the productivity in modern...
15 November 2019 10,109 1 View
I was calibrating GC on PAINO compound was using split mode 100:1 and 0.5 uL injection volume of diluted sample and it was more that enough for range of 0.001%(10ppm) and Higher concentration . i...
11 November 2019 2,605 1 View
Does the advanced mammography have the ability to change the type of the used filter according to the type of the breast density (dense or non-dense) in one machine today? Can this property...
07 November 2019 6,899 3 View