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Questions related to Laboratory Techniques
Would you please share your experience and advise about an EEG (24-channels)-cap, preferably , with dry electrodes or works with saline not gel ? Thanks in advance,Karlo Gonzales
11 November 2016 216 1 View
I have a generator operates at a rotary speed of 1800 rpm and produces up to 500 kw with 480 v, and 60 hertz. Can I decrease the speed since I am not using this whole power and maintain the same...
11 November 2016 322 4 View
If I resuspend dihydrorhodamine 123 in EtOH, is it best to store aliquots in -20 or in liquid N2? Also I've seen one recommendation not to use a reconstituted aliquot beyond 1 month. What's the...
09 November 2016 1,020 3 View
06 November 2016 7,760 1 View
Does anyone know where one can buy an affordable tube rack like the one below? It was very convenient when keeping 1.5 or 2 ml microtubes on ice. The...
10 October 2016 9,927 1 View
When pipeting serum or plasma to cryovials should I put the cryovial on wet ice during the transference or that isn't needed? And what's the diference in centrifuge blood samples at 4 degrees or...
10 October 2016 867 3 View
I will be happy if you gave your response in SI units. Give citation if possible. Thank you in advance.
10 October 2016 3,379 4 View
Hey guys, I've ran into the following problem. I want to use carboxy-PTIO reagent in my cell experiments and I can't find conclusive data on how to store the its stock solution. In the literature...
22 September 2016 8,150 3 View
I used NMP as the solvent for the -OMe deprotective reaction, but in the end the solvent can't be removed due to its high boiling point. How can I do?Or is there any other better solvent which can...
12 September 2016 6,400 2 View
Our Kjedahl heating flask suddenly erupts into the condensing tube from a small simmer. This has just begun happening after running TKN succesfully. Anyone else had this experience?
09 September 2016 1,193 2 View
Hi, I am planning on doing an Intrinsic Viscosity experiment with Ubbelhode and from what I see, it usually comes with water bath and an electric coil. However, I was wondering if I can make one...
09 September 2016 806 0 View
Hi, We're trying to use eppendorf femtojet microinjector for pronuclear manipulation in mouse embryo. The trouble is, after loading the mix in the needle, we are always ending up with air bubble...
09 September 2016 8,208 3 View
I know this may sound crazy and stupid of me. But I dropped my cryobox into the liquid nitrogen tank when I forgot to put my metal rod in place properly. I was wondering if I there are anyways I...
25 August 2016 4,261 1 View
Grinding Ag2O with other chemicals in the glove box at room temperature. Since Ag2O is photosensitive, would it decompose at room temperature?
11 August 2016 6,465 3 View
we are using shimadzu HPLC system , the problem LC-8A pump drain , we cant open the drain it will get struck , how to solve this ?
11 August 2016 1,047 3 View
Hi All, I have done tons of MTT assay lately for my project and have so many plates filled with the purple formazan solution (I used the SDS lysis method so no DMSO present). I just have no idea...
09 August 2016 10,045 2 View
Hey there, Another HPLC question! I am using a Gilson GX-271 Semi Prep HPLC (using the Trilution software) and I am having some issues with it. The main one at the moment is the needle/syringe...
09 August 2016 6,328 6 View
08 August 2016 1,036 1 View
08 August 2016 4,120 3 View
I have a rather large amount of nano cellulose suspension (~1L) that needs to be dried. Unfortunately, the freeze dryer I have access to is of much smaller capacity. I am looking for ways to...
08 August 2016 7,381 2 View
08 August 2016 8,259 7 View
08 August 2016 5,919 3 View
Dear colleagues I need the help for the antiurolithiatic activity, first I have three questions: 1- My problem is in choosing the standard, Cystone, it is not sold by Sigma Aldrich, Can I use...
08 August 2016 3,293 1 View
If you have any journal mentioned about the centrifugation method, please tell me, thank you.
08 August 2016 1,020 1 View