A clear, colorless liquid rapidly absorbed from the gastrointestinal tract and distributed throughout the body. It has bactericidal activity and... | Contact experts in Ethanol to get answers
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Questions related to Ethanol
I try to make Ga nanoparticle, using octadecene as solvent. Solvent consist with octadecene, toluene, Ga nanoparticle and centrifuge the solution mixing with ethanol. what is the reason for...
05 October 2020 2,178 4 View
The antimicrobial activity testing of staphylococcus species.
03 October 2020 7,192 7 View
I do the extraction from powders with various solvents (ethanol, acetone) and I would like to express the result per liter. do I have to change the calculation formula?
29 September 2020 4,970 7 View
With increasing COVID-19 infected cases worldwide, people around the world are practicing strict personal hygiene against infection. Alcohol-based hand sanitizer was one of the best sellers,...
23 September 2020 3,195 12 View
in the last step of synthesizing carboxy methyl chitosan from chitosan we need to wash it with 70%ethanol until neutral pH obtained, to achieve this goal we need to consume lots of ethanol, I am...
22 September 2020 2,242 2 View
I want to test the antimicrobial properties of curcumin, is ethanol the best solvent? if yes what is the least percent concentration i can use to dissolve the curcumin powder?
22 September 2020 6,120 5 View
Product Collomack is contains salicylic acid that dissolved in volatile solvents such as ethanol and acetone. Each 1g of solution contains: Salicylic Acid 0.1g( Acrtic Acid 99% , Docusate sodium,...
17 September 2020 7,595 3 View
I synthesize ZnO quantum dots (QDs) as an electron transport layer in this method: 10 mL ethanol containing 5.5 mmol TMAH was dropped into 30 mL DMSO containing 3 mmol zinc acetate hydrate within...
16 September 2020 6,545 4 View
Hi everyone, we have a nanophotometer here that can measure protein concentrations via UV absorbance. However, as usual, one has to define the extinction coefficient for your given protein. I...
10 September 2020 4,977 2 View
Is there any standard or procedure for this? Thanks in advance.
08 September 2020 5,216 3 View
Hi, I have a process flow diagram that consists of a series of reactors, heaters, compressors and separators and I must calculate the total energy demand of the process. My question is whether...
07 September 2020 5,138 1 View
Dear all., I am using ethanol as part of the extraction process of Chlorella vulgaris carbohydrates. Since I am trying to scale up a bit the whole process, I should use much more ethanol, that in...
28 August 2020 2,045 5 View
Hello Mate, What procedure would be the best to get active spores even after 6 months? At commercial level when I get Trichoderma spores in bulk amount I need to store it but unfortunately its...
22 August 2020 8,355 5 View
Hello, I would like to visually identify and quantify the pollen morphotypes carried by insects which have been stored in 70% ethanol. The insects are Diptera (mainly Syrphids), and Hymenoptera...
21 August 2020 9,030 3 View
I am trying to test the coincidence lattice method for the interface between wurtzite (0001) GaN and cubic diamond (111). How do I rotate the two lattices with respect to one another using...
20 August 2020 5,292 1 View
Evaporatiove cooling chamber can be made easily using locally available materials. Is it suitable to use in homestead level for perishable products?
18 August 2020 7,813 5 View
Dear fellas, When I read literature, I came across this: "RNA stabilisation solution [0.2% SDS, 19% ethanol, 1% acidic phenol in water]. Regarding the phenol, does it mean that if I prepare 100 ml...
12 August 2020 1,623 2 View
I have heard that dipping fly heads in 70% ethanol before placing in cold PBS for dissection can help strip the heads of wax and allow them to stay submerged in the PBS during dissection. I was...
11 August 2020 4,474 2 View
I have a fraction that i got from Vacuum liquid chromatography with ethyl acetate:ethanol:water (100:26:1). The fraction contains of coumarin in a low Rf value (checked on tlc), so i decided to...
10 August 2020 5,487 6 View
The raw materials I'm using are pineapples, bananas and mangoes. I’m thinking of using a rotary evaporator. Is that good enough? if that so, what's the best temperature, rotation, and duration...
09 August 2020 1,483 3 View
My research work, I need to disperse MAPbI3 in ethanol. Is there is any available methods are there?
09 August 2020 6,420 4 View
I dissolve the solid sample in ethanol and then apply it to the carbon grid and dried it but I am not getting satisfactory results..
03 August 2020 9,292 13 View
Hello, I am wondering whether Isopropanol (cheaper) can be used in the same way as ethanol for preservation and storage for molecular and DNA analyses, particularly for insect samples. Any ideas...
30 July 2020 5,354 17 View
I want to analyze presence of traces of ethanol present in any solution like soap and other similar products. Could anyone help me telling best range of wave length of Infra Red to...
29 July 2020 7,321 3 View