A clear, colorless liquid rapidly absorbed from the gastrointestinal tract and distributed throughout the body. It has bactericidal activity and... | Contact experts in Ethanol to get answers
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Questions related to Ethanol
How do I select only the phosphate group from my phospholipids and oxygen from cholesterol and then club all the phosphates and oxygens into one group in an index file? Kindly help.
02 March 2020 8,483 1 View
i used boronic acid in my reaction, after the reaction I make directly recrystallized the reaction by using ethanol, and get the compound ( which is not analysed yet). is it possible to contain...
26 February 2020 3,167 3 View
Tomato water is evaporated during the paste production process; thereby, the evaporated water is condensed which can be reused in the system. Do you have any data or information on the quality of...
18 February 2020 2,329 2 View
Tomato water is evaporated during the paste production process; thereby, the evaporated water is condensate in cooling towers which can be reused in the system for steaming and so forth. Do you...
17 February 2020 3,680 1 View
Dear scientist: I want to measure the antioxidant capacity of cosmetic creams and lotions with the DPPH and ABTS methods, but I am not sure how to prepare the samples. Will dissolving them in a...
11 February 2020 3,760 4 View
using methanol and ethanol separately to check purity ...plant material used is root and leaf powder... soxhlet extraction
08 February 2020 2,863 2 View
i have used protocol briefly paraffin embedded tissue 5um cut by microtome spread on water and take up on slide with overnight air drying hydration of tissue xylene 10min x2, Ethanol 100, 90, 70,...
07 February 2020 6,985 3 View
I am conducting an undergraduate research project and I am unable to complete the calculations prior to the experiment.
06 February 2020 7,557 3 View
I'm doing a study on myctophid diets and need to store the stomach contents in a preservative and then freeze. What is the best preservative for these samples? I've looked into different...
04 February 2020 2,968 3 View
In PEG+ Ethanol solution after membrane separation by which techniques we can determine ppm concentration in permeate and retentate solution?
31 January 2020 4,344 1 View
I am currently doing my Honors project, have Fusarium fungi culture growing on PDA plates. I need to make the mycelium growth from the PDA plates into a liquid suspension, so that l can...
30 January 2020 4,133 3 View
For liposome formulation, I have to use a surfactant (Tween 80 or 20) beside the lecithin, but there isn't any specified order of mixing. someone add lecithin to the mixture of ethanol/surfactant;...
26 January 2020 6,840 1 View
Hello everyone! I'm struggling to improve my natural DSSC. Could anyone give me a hint? What am I doing wrong here? My parameters and characteristics below. Picture of one of my cells...
24 January 2020 1,815 9 View
Hello How can i evaporate ethanol from swelled PDMS/BTO/CNT? Magnetic stirring ethanol with Barium titanate and CNT first Then solution was poured on PDMS base (keep stirring) I hope that PDMS...
20 January 2020 3,610 1 View
Hello everyone, I'm trying to measure the porosity of 3D printed composite of cellulose microfibers and graphene. I found low value (around 'à to 60%). When I try to measure it using water...
15 January 2020 4,597 2 View
Im going to test cereal leaf cellulose using updegraff, seaman hydrolysis and anthrone test. But before that, i need to process my samples to obtain alcohol insoluble residue (AIR). I am using...
11 January 2020 9,878 1 View
Sodium hypochloride and Ethanol have been used for surface sterilisation. May I know any alternate methods for surface sterilisation?...
06 January 2020 9,391 2 View
I recently read an article regarding the use of melatonin as a neuroprotective agent using acute ethanol exposure for 1 day and it had good results, I want to know if exists an article using...
04 January 2020 9,853 2 View
I used ethanol of 95% to extract pigments from areca nuts for 3 days. Centrifuged the extraction and used for uv vis spectrum. However, I do not get any results.
24 December 2019 9,028 2 View
the cellulose is digested with enzyme and uniform suspension is obtained. yeast is added and fermented for 7days. clear solution is obtained. How to estimate and separate ethanol? Thanks in advance
23 December 2019 5,271 3 View
How easily do seeds colour even they are not viable? Are there other kind of chemical reactions that might do same as dehydrogenases? I have noticed that pH effects to colouring speed as acidic...
19 December 2019 3,882 0 View
Dear All, I’m planning to take freshwater samples for microbial metatranscriptomics analysis (RNA-seq). The problem is, the journey from the sampling site to my lab might take >5 hours. I’m...
18 December 2019 9,365 2 View
I want encapsulate a ethanolic plant extract; its composition is 70 ml of ethanol and 30 ml of water; but i want encapsulate in an alginate/Calcium cloride/Chitosan solution; my question is if...
12 December 2019 5,547 1 View
1- Hi All,I am working with Alternaria Solani and using different bacterial strains as bio-control on PDA , But A.solani stop it's growth after 4,5 days on PDA . Even i try on different...
11 December 2019 8,838 6 View