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Questions related to Bioinformatics
I am searching for new antimicrobial peptides and I don't have many skills in bioinformatics, so I want to know how to use these software packages to identify candidate coding regions within...
02 December 2020 4,969 3 View
Hello, I'm a research student in bioinformatic and fail import my data as before even uploading the idat file it says ''Error: invalid value assembly" Can you tell me where the problem is and how...
09 November 2020 8,518 1 View
I am not good in bioinformatics. I have a gene set which has some 1000 genes which are highly correlating with aging. I want to select some highly significant genes from this geneset for further...
05 November 2020 5,754 5 View
Hi. Is there someone who can please help me? So I annotated RNAseq data of several samples with MG Rast. I then got an extensive list of gene names on which I did statistical analyses. After this,...
23 October 2020 8,214 3 View
I found a variant which is not reported in gnomAD or ExAC, but still has an rs. Should I consider it as a novel variant? when can I say that ceratin variant is novel?
16 October 2020 9,784 3 View
Hello! I've been using gene expression data from the TCGA, where the RNAseq is processed using RSEM. I did a few graphs such as boxplots showing the expression of different genes in normal vs...
15 October 2020 2,876 2 View
Hello, I need an endorsement to submit my preprints in I am in the bioinformatics research field. The arXiv requires an endorsement for me because my institution doesn't provide any...
03 October 2020 1,221 4 View
I am currently doing a systematic review on flame retardants and their health effects. The eligible studies are displaying their data in various different ways and I need to use their data to make...
02 October 2020 8,853 3 View
Hi everyone, Does exist any threshold for binding affinity value between macromolecules? E.g. Any value lower than -5.0 Kcal/Mol..... How to determine that the binding affinity among different...
23 September 2020 4,494 3 View
I have a human lncRNA sequence and I want to get a prediction of what proteins or other molecules could bind to it. I've seen several sites that want an ID for the lncRNA but I just have the...
21 September 2020 7,566 3 View
I would like to compare similarities of different allelic disorders based on HPO terms. As a first approach I just would like to select a few genes and look at how similar are the defined allelic...
11 September 2020 5,190 3 View
I am currently working with scRNA-seq data. I have to rank or score genes based on how spatially expressed they are. Is there any good measure or tool to do that?
24 August 2020 3,960 3 View
I recovered an N amount of putative chloroplast contigs (fasta format). I need to align them to a reference genome and there is no reference genome of my species. Fortunately, there is a reference...
21 August 2020 1,317 3 View
I am trying to extract some information (metadata) from GenBank using the R package "rentrez" and the example I found here Specifically,...
13 August 2020 6,028 2 View
I was using the regression linear model and simple Pearson correlation to compare between samples from the lab and the comparable field data. Is that a sufficient test for comparison between field...
11 August 2020 9,602 6 View
I got the Illumina paired-end 16S sequences results. I tried to analysis them with QIIME2, but unfortunately, I found myself stuck many times. Can anyone help me,and how much will it cost? Please...
03 August 2020 677 5 View
I have analysed some bioinformatically important information relevant to gene regulation. I want to publish it.
14 July 2020 8,482 3 View
What is the best approach to identify TFs in a non-model organism with limited homology to the closest model organism? Is predicting DNA-binding domains and assuming that most proteins containing...
10 July 2020 5,432 2 View
Hi everyone, We have sequenced genome of data of a comparatively less studied species using Pacbio long read sequencer. Now after initial assembly we compared the contigs with previous version...
26 June 2020 3,667 3 View
this is my first time doing bioinformatics, so a user friendly software would really be good. Thank you.
09 June 2020 6,904 15 View
How important is this in silico study?
05 June 2020 1,179 5 View
In-silico approaches have proved that computational tools can aid in designing effective vaccine candidates, within shorter spans. But without the laboratorial approval on these methods, the...
04 June 2020 9,968 54 View
Hi, currently I'm searching for an affordable laptop with minimum specs for bioinformatics. My work will be NGS analysis (ChIP-seq & RNA-seq) I believe that MacBook is the best choice, but I...
02 June 2020 2,025 4 View
I am currently working on developing a pipeline to optimize k-mer counting. I have some ideas, however, they would work only for small k-values. I am trying to figure out whether k-mer counting is...
23 May 2020 9,417 2 View