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Questions related to Bioinformatics
How to determine (bioinformatically) the locations and copy number of a particular gene in the genome (chromosome ) of an animal?
01 January 2020 6,690 4 View
Hi, this is a bioinformatic question, I'm kinda new to it so if anyone can help will be fantastic. I have analyzed an experiment through illumina 850k methylation chip and now I have received only...
01 January 2020 1,354 5 View
I am currently trying to search for data on RLFS (R-loop forming sequences) for the human genome on UCSC Table Browser but I cannot find anything. Does anyone know if these data exist? Currently I...
01 January 2020 1,292 3 View
I am analyzing data from pseudouridine ( modifications, where it is reported the position of modified U within cDNA. I need to find the...
01 January 2020 5,057 2 View
Hello, I would like to find whether two proteins have a common interaction path in the graph using the STRING database. There is software that is doing it?
12 December 2019 5,915 3 View
I have extensively searched google scholar but I am struggling to find any groups who have previously used Rosetta to conduct ab-initio structure modelling of single-pass or membrane anchored...
12 December 2019 6,841 3 View
Hi everybody I want to convert HapMap Snp haplotype Data Into 0,1 Matrix so that I can use it in other works. I appreciate your help. Best regards
12 December 2019 559 3 View
I'm looking for a best practise of long-reads sequencing technologies used to generate high quality single-cell based genome sequencing and transcriptom. Is there a good protocol from lab...
12 December 2019 8,348 2 View
I have gene expression data from different conditions from different studies. Instead of using the actual TPM values for Pearson Correlation coefficient (PCC) calculation, I have decided to use...
12 December 2019 9,129 1 View
Hello, I am trying to conduct a selection analysis for non coding sequences using hyphy software. yet after the intronic alignment and phylogenetic tree inputs, the analysis asks for query...
12 December 2019 2,684 3 View
Which book should I read to understand RNA-Seq Analysis ?
12 December 2019 5,981 7 View
I have prepared a nj phylogenetic tree using ape package in R. But due to large number of sequences and taxa, the tips of the tree looks overlapping. How can I increase the distance between the...
12 December 2019 570 5 View
Hello, I'm a graduate student in information technology. I'm trying to do my research on Bioinformatics, a multi-disciplinary and rapidly emerging field of biomedical data sciences and...
11 November 2019 1,070 5 View
Has anyone tried to analyse high-throughput qRT-PCR data using the Qiagen IPA software? If yes, in what format do you input the data? What was the experience and outcome? Any successful...
11 November 2019 4,176 1 View
I have a set of genes which I fed to too that gave me possible interaction edges between genes. Lets say one such pair is PTPRD-FRMD4A. What is the best way to know about the...
11 November 2019 8,242 5 View
I am an undergraduate student and recently trying to use UCSF Chimera to learn about amino acid tertiary structure, but I am confused about the explanation on the calculation of relative exposure...
11 November 2019 533 3 View
Hi, I'm working on sequence alignment algorithms. My background is Computer Science. Given two sequences, what could be the max length of a gap and how many insertions/deletion at one stretch I...
11 November 2019 2,264 10 View
Hi everyone, I am an undergrad student in bio informatics doing some research on a protein called OPA3 with an unknown function. I am having a hard time interpreting the phylogenetic tree. I need...
11 November 2019 5,834 3 View
Hi everybody I want to study the inference of the admixed population into different ancestries but I can't understand why it's important to consider the background linkage disequilibrium (LD)...
11 November 2019 1,205 4 View
Is there any tool or program to predict the synergy of two drugs based on bioinformatics without experimental data. I've more than 30 active TCM compounds that target hypertension associated...
11 November 2019 6,263 3 View
I'm trying to annotate a yeast's genome using FunGAP but it stopped in the run4 of Maker. The gmes log said that I may need to install YAML module, as follows: Can't locate in @INC (you...
11 November 2019 3,429 2 View
I am still new in bioinformatics field and now I am having an internship in MGI. Recently, we are given 2 sets of exome data which are diabetes type1 and diabetes type2. We already did with...
11 November 2019 2,319 2 View
My goal is to align my metagenomic sequences with virulence gene database in order to find out which probable genes are prevalent in the data. So I ran diamond aligner using following...
11 November 2019 2,459 2 View
Would you please tell me what come in the genomics and bioinformatics skills? What is difference between Bioinformatics and Transcriptomics?
11 November 2019 2,487 3 View