29 Questions 69 Answers 0 Followers
Questions related from Zeeshan Hamid
I have seen people answering here on Research Gate which is copied from different websites. Is it a good practice to copy/paste without mentioning or crediting the source? It is a platform where...
02 February 2018 3,381 55 View
What is the percentage of teachers in your country that are certified to teach at 1. secondary level; and 2. tertiary level?
01 January 2018 1,385 24 View
Austrian universities are obliged to intellectual capital reporting by law, since 2005. Does your university or all universities in your country are obliged to intellectual capital reporting? In...
11 November 2017 7,717 17 View
What if you had to choose between your daughter or son to educate one of them, which one would you prefer to get educated? And why? In some societies, son would be given preference as they are...
11 November 2017 5,622 45 View
How research can add value for the developement of developing countries? What I have seen in the developed economies is the focus on research and even politicians are well qualified with...
11 November 2017 1,379 51 View
Is it all about your personal liking based on which you choose qualitative, quantitative or mixed method or is it primarily due to the gap that you identify demand a certain methodology to be...
11 November 2017 3,703 87 View
Dear All, I am wondering with regards to below terms and conditions. These are of a recognized open access journal. I would be glad for suggestion(s) on below terms and conditions and what they...
10 October 2017 7,316 4 View
What is the best way to choose for writing an introduction and literature review of an article? ____ By re-writing I meant: to read a whole article and simply close it, then summarize into one...
10 October 2017 4,064 19 View
Has anyone published with a journal that is listed in Emerging Sources Citation Index (Clarivate Analytics) by Thomson Reuters? If yes, what are the benefits of publishing with such a journal on...
10 October 2017 2,295 10 View
For instance, a publication in a peer-reviewed journal indexed in "emerging source citation idex" but with no impact factor. Since, these journals get no impact factor yet but are...
10 October 2017 9,127 15 View
Respected Madam or Sir, I am seeking for guidance with regards to writing PhD proposal. I am decided with the topic. However, I need help with regards to how extensive the framework should be in...
10 October 2017 9,180 6 View
I have been reading PhD dissertations, and found three different terms used for framework. I am confused as some used the term analytical framework, while others used theoretical framework or...
10 October 2017 3,216 27 View
Respected Madam or Sir, I need help with regards to writing the methodology section of PhD proposal. For instance, quantitative, qualitative and mixed method research. Kindly suggest any article...
10 October 2017 5,249 14 View
Would you please, name the features that shall be added to the RG, which will be of help to researchers? In addition, any feature that you might like to be excluded from RG? Invite your...
10 October 2017 5,004 34 View
Appreciate if someone shares empirical studies on the topic! Thanks in advance.
10 October 2017 3,234 31 View
Insights on this topic would be highly appreciated!
10 October 2017 3,867 24 View
Which one do you prefer and why? Kindly need your input - advantages and disadvantages of these? Edited with "Citavi" on 12.02.2019
10 October 2017 5,146 24 View
Which social platform would you recommend your students and researchers working under your supervisor to join? Between researchgate vs Academia.edu, and why?
10 October 2017 8,247 61 View
How to measure innovation performance in services sector? Kindly share models and measures other than of Schumpeter's. Thank you all!
10 October 2017 5,822 10 View
Example: For instance, a study was conducted in X country's tourism sector and I will be conducting study in Y country's tourism sector using the same mixed-method approach to collect data...
10 October 2017 8,332 25 View
How would you differentiate between tourism organizations and other service providing organizations (such as: telecommunication, health, education, computer services and/or government...
10 October 2017 8,551 18 View
Germany offers, two routes to doctoral title. Individual - in which you find University Professor who is willing to supervise your dissertation. Structured - similar to those in English speaking...
10 October 2017 4,039 12 View
How would you differentiate bias and variance? Further, please explain the below: Bias is large variance is small Bias is small variance is large Bias is large variance is large Bias is small...
10 October 2014 6,304 7 View
Hi Everyone, I am currently working on my thesis and I will be collecting data through questionnaire. Total questions are 45 and therefore needs to obtain 45*5 = 225 responses (Hair et. al). I am...
08 August 2014 4,563 17 View
I am currently working on my MS Thesis. And all I can say, I am a little stuck in the methodology section. I wrote it but still not satisfied. However, if anyone can share a good practical guide...
07 July 2014 4,454 14 View
What is the difference between 1. Learning Organization; and 2. Organizational Learning?
07 July 2014 5,303 12 View
Is there any difference between these two words "strategy" and "strategic"? Can you please elaborate the difference between below two questions? 1. What does human capital strategy means? 2. What...
07 July 2014 1,976 11 View
How organizations can foster the development and maintenance of internal relationships among various groups?
07 July 2014 9,776 8 View
Kaplan and Norton (1992) wrote in their article that companies shall focus on balance scorecard that means focus on both non-financial and financial performance measures. Any more answers from...
07 July 2014 3,029 30 View