51 Questions 45 Answers 0 Followers
Questions related from Peter Griepink
During a muscle contraction by lower to medium motor unit groups, how do high threshold muscle fibers shorten? Passive? Active? So if I bend my arm in the elbow without weight in my hand, how do...
05 March 2020 3,431 1 View
Could glycogen storage around the z-disk/i-band cause problems for recovery/repair of myosin heads deeper in a sacromere? It seems this create a diffusion, and might cause problems for deeper...
13 June 2018 7,704 0 View
is there literature about power lifting and weight lifting and the hamstring curl or knee flexor capabilities? Most they do squat, deadlift, goodmorning, straight leg deadlift, but it seems the...
25 May 2018 1,915 3 View
Nitrogen oxide (NO) and creatine interact in skeletal muscle cells. So is supplement of creatine and NO helpfull?
25 May 2018 1,709 2 View
would it be better to ingest slower/moderate proteins after resistance training, and keep the fast protein for other moment to improve MPS? Would RT lead to higher MPS and would this be possible...
25 May 2018 5,338 1 View
do we need white adipose tissue to a large extend on basis of hormons? Vitamins can be stored in IMTG, or in beige/brown adipose tissue. Energy we do not need with normal food stores. Isolation...
23 May 2018 1,156 2 View
Fat cells and glucose. How does it work? Sometimes it is claimed there is no glucose uptake by fat cells. However, brown adipose tissue does this. So? Some claim glucose is not much taken in by...
23 May 2018 3,253 7 View
are fat cells on a continum, such as muscle fiber cells? From white to beige to brown? Does it depend on mitochondria or UCP1 and such?
23 May 2018 1,678 3 View
Could cardio lead to a mitochondrial reshape and higher MPS such as in resistance training and remoddeling of contractile elements?
20 May 2018 3,658 1 View
In shoulder press and lats pulldown there is the "breaking the bar" principle to limit injury. Is this correct, and/or are there other options? This to create external rotation. Is there any...
14 May 2018 3,965 2 View
can the shoulder capsule be injured by hitting the processus coracoideus during press exercises?
14 May 2018 3,548 5 View
Why is thermic effect of whey higher than casein?
11 May 2018 5,628 5 View
In case of keto diet and intermitting fasting should the control group not be an optimal scientific diet? Keto does not work. Moreover, if this is controlled to a group that has healthy diet and...
11 May 2018 3,732 3 View
How does the stomach and gastric emptying function after breaking a fast with high ingestion of nutrients?
11 May 2018 2,139 3 View
Testosteron, growth hormon seems to have less influence on protein synthesis in skeletal muscle cell opposed to amino acids, but why it this? T and GH seems to have not so much influence on MPS...
10 May 2018 7,627 3 View
creatine digestion, absorption and circulation. How? Is C digested? Or taken in as a whole? How is C absorbed by the enterocyt? Are there transporters? How is C leaving the enterocyt? Sometimes...
09 May 2018 4,146 5 View
Can a myonuclei both posess cardiovascular and strength & resistance training memory in the concept of muscle memory? So if a muscle cell is trained in strength aspects and this is contained...
09 May 2018 6,778 0 View
Would it be possible to get myonuclei out of a muscle cell and clone this and reput it in muscle cells to gain more [...] by muscle memory? Muscle memory is contained in myonuclei. Could this be...
09 May 2018 633 0 View
Does testosterone have an effect on the mTOR pathway and how?
08 May 2018 6,754 5 View
What CAN or SHOULD science do in relation to body building, natural bodybuilding, men's physique and the misuse/abuse of the term "natural" in this? Should we give recommendations? Should we tell...
30 April 2018 9,189 7 View
In case of strength training and hypertrophy in resistance training, are some more genetic for neural adaptations, others for myofibrillar? In case of responders and non-responders (although...
26 April 2018 4,998 0 View
Would an injury to the left leg, which results in bed rest have different effects to muscle loss in both left and right leg and the hypertrophy after? IF there is injury to a certain leg, that...
24 April 2018 2,042 1 View
Fast glycolytic muscle fiber, amp/atp ratio, ampk, pgc-alfa, mitochondria, mTOR interaction, can it be disfunctional? In case of fast glycolytic muscle fibers, if they have a low amp/atp ratio...
24 April 2018 301 1 View
Do fruits and veggies really differ in characteristics related to colour? For instance red, green, yellow and orange paprika? Do they have different features related to colours? Sometimes it is...
22 April 2018 4,241 9 View
AMPK isoforms are connected with type I, IIa, IIx isoforms of muscle fiber. Type IIx has a higher ratio of gamma 3 AMPK, how can this be seen ? AMPK has a role is cell energy metabolism. Could it...
22 April 2018 298 1 View
Do muscle satelite cells get near blood vessels, or are blood vessels constructed near satellite cells by exercise?
19 April 2018 9,445 0 View
Would type II muscle fiber satellite cells get near capillaries by specific type II training? Can there be different views to type I and type II training and satellite cell proliferation?
19 April 2018 859 0 View
Do amino acids have specific transporters in relation to absorption? Such as fructose : GLUT Such as glucose : SGLT1
17 April 2018 210 8 View
Whey rises insulin, and gives amino acids. AA's promote mTOR, while insulin would inhibit mTOR through pathways? How does this work? It is claimed whey increases insulin and AA's. Insulin would...
17 April 2018 7,168 3 View
Is construction or protein enzymes also part of muscle protein synthesis?
17 April 2018 5,283 1 View
Would liver glycogen recovery use galactose and fructose for restoration, while glucose can go to the muscle to restore muscle glycogen? Or would g-f-ga all go to the liver in that case?
16 April 2018 1,909 0 View
Are gelatin and collagen hydrolysate absorbed as such or broken down in amino acids?
15 April 2018 8,659 2 View
Research questions related to stomach/gut emptying and protein? Will amino acids on an empty stomach be emptied relative quick, and how quick? Will protein [same protocol and question]? What...
11 April 2018 8,701 4 View
Could the muscle prefer muscle protein synthesis over muscle breakdown in case of a high ingestion of protein and amino acids, and can this be - ? When a lot of AA or protein is ingested after...
11 April 2018 4,553 6 View
1) Can galactose be used to train the SGLT1 ? -Could galactose be used to train the SGLT1, this in stead of glucose? -Can galactose be used as an extra addition in elite athletes? 2) How much...
10 April 2018 2,137 0 View
In case of energy thermodynamics and weight, why is there energy intake, but not energy reserves (fat/glycogen) in the balance?
05 April 2018 5,020 2 View
It is claimed in some articles (2014/16) that big muscles can have 40 g protein and smaller one 20 g protein in their recovery. Opinions? So glutes, latissimus dorsi, pectoralis major should have...
05 April 2018 4,806 2 View
Any ideas/suggestions related to re-opening of fitness centra and personal training and safety measures and/or risk factors related to covid-19? What about material? What about training...
01 January 1970 190 6 View
What should be adviced in terms of exercise for people in relation to the corona virus? If ACE2 is involved, what measurements should be made in terms of exercise and training? What exercise...
01 January 1970 9,228 9 View
Is there any danger of sweat, aerosols or bioaerosols in the case of indoor exercise and/or high-intensity exercise in relation to SARS-CoV-2? Is sweat a danger? Are bio aerosols a problem...
01 January 1970 3,426 14 View
ACE2 was already related to SARS in 2004. Why has this not been researched more? Are people with more ACE2 activity or content at risk with corona? Already in 2004 ACE-2 was connected with...
01 January 1970 8,564 7 View
Can high carbohydrate ingestion lead to diffusional problems around the sarcolemma due to increased subsarcolemmal glycogen granules? Can it lead to storage of glucose in the form of glycogen...
01 January 1970 5,816 1 View
Does doping in trainees and elite sports cause problems in the interpretation of results in scientific research? As we know for instance about doping use in cycling before, how does this impact...
01 January 1970 9,519 4 View
My question is if increased P and more food intake is related with the corpus luteum developement? For instance, does this need KCAL increase in diet? Could it be that you might need less KCAL...
01 January 1970 2,024 1 View
Is there a link with leptin and intramuscular triglycerides and/or leptin and fat ingestion? Can low body adipose fat and leptin be countered by fat ingestion and IMTG
01 January 1970 8,877 7 View
In case of mTOR how many of those can be there in a muscle cell, and can there be opposite pathways in one muscle cell or compartiments? Could a muscle cell have for instance activation of mTORs...
01 January 1970 1,149 0 View
What would be the result of doping use in (elite) sporters and the genes of their offsprings? Can there be a sort of genetic doping? What about grandparents, parents and doping use, can this...
01 January 1970 9,464 3 View
Would increased IGF and GH due to training affect both muscle cells as well as adipocyte cells? Would insuline-like growth factor and growth hormon have affect on both types of cell after...
01 January 1970 9,838 10 View
Does aminoacidemia without resistance training lead to a "quicker" turn-over time for certain proteins in muscle cells? AA-emia leads to MPS. However, if there is no RT it seems not logical that...
01 January 1970 4,374 0 View
Does strength training leads to higher estrogen levels in menopause woman? if someone doesn't do ST but takes estrogen hormones, could it be that ST increases the levels of E independent? Could...
01 January 1970 6,128 0 View
Could doping mask negative aspects of RED-S for awhile, so the problem is occuring later. Or would in elite top sport the effect be noticed soon as it is about marginal gains?
01 January 1970 9,648 0 View