White and brown adipose tissue are different cell types. White adipose tissue is mainly under the skin and around the organs, whilst brown adipose tissue can be found on some parts of the neck (paravertebral) and its main function is to generate heat through the expression of UCP1. Beige adipose tissue, is located with in white adipose tissue, and it can be seen under certain conditions that generates an adrenergic response and the stimulation of the B3 receptor, for example low temperatures. When the stimuli stops, these beige adipocytes "return" to a white adipose tissue morphology. There are many reviews about this topic.
Yes I read already they are different types. Although BAT would also be in WAT area's? Anyway the continuum might exist in WAT-BeigeAT in relation to mitochondria and for instance UCP1. Would you claim the stimuli are short term? For instance you need long cold exposure, or can it also be in for instance shorter terms such as minutes or hours?
Yes, the time of exposure changes, it depends on the physiological characteristics of the individual, for example, gender, age, BMI, physical activity etc. These papers might help you.
High Incidence of Metabolically Active Brown Adipose Tissue in Healthy Adult Humans
Effects of Cold Exposure and Adiposity. Masayuki Saito. DIABETES, VOL. 58, JULY 2009
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