82 Questions 376 Answers 0 Followers
Questions related from Nader Aghakhani
Individuals who consume alcohol are more prone to engaging in violent behavior towards their partners, leading to various negative outcomes. what is the most effective method in preventing...
19 September 2023 2,412 0 View
19 September 2023 4,045 2 View
The Patient-centered healthcare approach involves empowering patients to take an active role in their care and necessitates that healthcare professionals possess strong communication skills and...
17 September 2023 6,563 8 View
17 September 2023 8,706 8 View
As medical advances are made in the care of patients with chronic diseases including those with (ESRD), patients are not only experiencing increasing life expectancy but also bearing the burden of...
30 April 2021 3,657 11 View
Domestic violence during pregnancy is a serious public health issue with significant negative health consequences for women. Psychological stress may lead to pregnancy complications including...
08 November 2019 3,936 9 View
Ethics in nursing care is an essential element of nursing practice and nursing has a moral dimension to enhance the health integrity in physical, emotional, relational, social, moral, and...
08 November 2018 1,550 40 View
Can you identify differences between your experience of love when you are healthy or manic? For individuals with bipolar disorder this knowledge may be elusive and change with different stages of...
23 May 2018 7,829 5 View
Suicide is the act of intentionally causing one's own death. I think suicide is the only option that has been left for a person, the only chance at peace that he/ she thinks ever have. It’s as...
14 May 2018 6,383 25 View
Wisdom is the ability to think and act using knowledge, experience, understanding, common sense, and insight. On the other hand, many people believe wisdom leads a person to overcome his/ her...
20 April 2018 2,317 8 View
Somebody believe in "The end justifies the means." They believe that a final result is so important that any method, even a morally bad one, may be used to achieve it! Do you agree or not? What...
15 April 2018 8,237 13 View
We are always saddened by the death of our loved ones. This is a natural human trait. This emotion is deeply ingrained in our hearts. Therefore we mourn the loss of our loved ones at the...
05 February 2018 3,191 54 View
Imagine a community in which patients close to death are routinely euthanized—whether they want their lives to end or not— . Who should decide about euthanasia for patients close to death?
21 January 2018 5,348 10 View
Initiatives for promoting the safety and quality of healthcare are growing in number worldwide, with the involvement both of institutions' senior management and their staff. But most of times, we...
24 October 2017 9,864 26 View
Coronary artery diseases including myocardial infarction (MI) have been recognized as a major health problem in the world. The patients may experience mental and emotional problems like depression...
17 September 2016 3,728 8 View
Ventilator-associated pneumonia (VAP) is a type of lung infection that occurs in people who are on breathing machines in hospitals. It affects critically ill persons that are in an intensive care...
17 June 2016 987 8 View
Foot ulcers and amputations are a major cause of morbidity, disability, as well as emotional and physical costs for people with diabetes. Early recognition and management of independent risk...
05 June 2016 2,462 8 View
Self-medication is a human behavior in which an individual uses a substance or any exogenous influence to self-administer treatment for physical or psychological ailments. The most widely...
03 June 2016 5,313 15 View
We hear often in the self-help world how important patient self-care education is. However, we don’t do it enough, and it’s because we don’t know how. I think we have a perception that there’s a...
03 June 2016 3,618 15 View
Nurses need to get in the habit of thinking about patient education as a way of providing nursing care . Even more important, they need to maximize the time they spend on patient education to...
18 May 2016 276 12 View
Clinical Negligence typically occurs when the treatment given by a doctor, physician, or other hospital staff results in further injury to the patient. The vast majority of medical malpractice...
05 May 2016 2,483 7 View
Good communication between nurses and patients is essential for the successful outcome of individualized nursing care of each patient. Good communication also is not only based on the physical...
16 April 2016 2,391 16 View
Relatives of chronic patients have many difficulties. I think it is better their problems should be considered as like as their patient. Most of nursing theories notice the patients more than...
08 April 2016 1,095 6 View
Nursing errors commonly include failure to: * collaborate with other healthcare team members * clarify interdisciplinary orders * ask for and offer assistance * utilize evidence-based performance...
06 April 2016 5,138 18 View
A teaching method comprises the principles and methods used for instruction to be implemented by teachers to achieve the desired learning in students. These strategies are determined partly on...
31 March 2016 8,602 53 View
Nurses are expected to access, appraise, and incorporate research evidence into their professional judgment and clinical decision making.What is the limitation for nurses decision making about...
20 March 2016 6,117 9 View
People who are diagnosed with cancer often experience a wide range of problems, as well as a sense of urgency to get into treatment as soon as possible. However, most health care providers expect...
19 March 2016 8,475 20 View
Substance abuse is a patterned consumption of a drug in amounts or with harmful methods Studies shoes that the social support may be helpful to recovery or relapse from it. What is the social...
01 January 2016 7,641 6 View
A theory is a supposition or system of ideas that is proposed to explain a given phenomena. Nursing theory should provide the principles that underpin practice and help to generate further...
23 December 2015 375 24 View
Stress surrounding hospital admission during hospitalization increases the likelihood that the condition will be aggravated.Can stress reducing management during admission the patients effect on...
22 October 2015 2,936 4 View
Elderly applies to the stage of life well past middle age. When used as a noun in referring to older persons in general, it is relatively neutral, denoting a group of people whose common...
01 October 2015 8,492 38 View
Quality improvement is not a new concept for hospitals. Hospitals have had quality improvement departments and employed related staff for many years. What is the most important responsibilities of...
25 July 2015 780 11 View
Over the past years, patient satisfaction surveys have gained increasing attention as meaningful and essential sources of information for identifying gaps and developing an effective action plan...
23 July 2015 1,162 15 View
Does drug prescribing by a nurse is one of the important issues which attention has been focused on increasingly.Is Nurse drug prescribing a correct performance? If yes, when and in what drugs?
15 July 2015 2,957 10 View
It is generally accepted that elderly people because of some conditions require more intensive management than can be provided in the community. The admission of elderly patients to hospital,...
13 July 2015 9,787 56 View
More than three quarters of domestic violence victims who report the incidents to police seek health care in emergency rooms, but most of them are never identified as being victims of abuse...
30 June 2015 8,124 7 View
What can we do to overcome the barriers of patient safety in hospitals?
30 June 2015 1,338 4 View
In one of my researches, I studied anxiety and depression in hemodialysis patients. But I want to know how much stress and depression can affect on CKD progress? What is your opinion or answer...
26 June 2015 7,042 2 View
Many problems occur in hemodialysis patient life style? Is there any qualitative study about hemodialysis patient life style?
23 June 2015 9,401 5 View
HIV-related stigma and discrimination refers to prejudice, negative attitudes and abuse directed at people living with HIV and AIDS.The consequences of stigma and discrimination are wide-ranging....
22 June 2015 1,156 7 View
Cross addiction refers to the presence of two or more addictions - a common trait among addicts. Many cross addicted patients develop secondary dependencies in an effort to deal with their Cross...
20 June 2015 7,654 5 View
Professionalism is an important feature of the nursing as a professional job. Dynamic nature and the various interpretations of this term lead to multiple definitions of this concept. In your...
07 June 2015 794 29 View
Social support is essential for patients with chronic diseases. Is it useful for quality of life promotion for hemodialyss patients? If yes, How it can be used?
06 May 2015 3,525 10 View
In one of my articles, I studied the effect of concept mapping on the learning levels of students in taking the course of "nursing care of patients with glandular diseases subject" Who can inform...
05 May 2015 3,885 4 View
Diabetes is a chronic disorder in which the body does not produce or use insulin effectively. It is not curable for most people, but treatments include medication, lifestyle adjustments, and...
01 January 1970 8,075 21 View
Obviously, an artist is someone who creates art, just a baker is someone who makes bread. These are simply trades and professions; that is, means by which different people make their livings....
01 January 1970 6,877 22 View
The World Health Organization (WHO) defines traditional medicine as "the sum total of the knowledge, skills, and practices based on the theories, beliefs, and experiences indigenous to...
01 January 1970 3,273 42 View
The professional role of a nurse is to advocate and care for individuals of all ethnic origins and religious backgrounds and support them through health and illness. However, there are various...
01 January 1970 7,781 26 View
I have carried out many studies on quality of life. I think quality of life is not important in many nursing care plans. How we can improve quality of life with promoting of our nursing care?
01 January 1970 7,126 8 View
Often times we may hear the term "nurse" used to describe a variety of caregivers in a medical setting. The title of nurse suggests that a person has knowledge, skill, ability and competency to...
01 January 1970 3,895 3 View
01 January 1970 9,768 43 View
01 January 1970 9,130 26 View
As the number of cars is growing and consequently more car accidents occur, prevention of the car accidents has become important in the modern society. Car accident kills or injures people,...
01 January 1970 8,319 7 View
Greetings, I have two letters to the editor ready to submit. Do you know a professor who is skilled in the field of quality of life among patients undergoing hemodialysis?
01 January 1970 8,888 1 View
Researches have showed the cost-effectiveness of music experiences, as opposed to other types of experiences, in enhancing quality of life in the general public and for specific populations and...
01 January 1970 2,916 19 View
How can we promote the minimum requirements for IPC ( infection prevention and control) programs at the national and health care facility level,according to available evidence and in the context...
01 January 1970 3,620 4 View
Life satisfaction can be a measure of well-being assessed in terms of mood, satisfaction with relationships, achieved goals, self-concepts, and self-perceived ability to cope with one's daily...
01 January 1970 7,732 8 View
Do you think a strong desire to survive keep the patient alive? Do you have any experience with this in hospital?
01 January 1970 9,894 0 View
As a nurse, you observe and interpret activities and conversations differently from your health care team. Share your experiences and answer to this question: What is relationship between...
01 January 1970 7,378 8 View
Some of medical practitioners have serious concerns' over the rights of nurses to prescribe complex medicines. What are the concerns over rights of nurses to prescribe these drugs?
01 January 1970 8,723 8 View
The imagination capability of the nursing is a significant part in both the quality of the nurses' role performance and the ethical approaches which they use. It also is a main part in their...
01 January 1970 1,847 3 View
The Plan-Do-Study-Act (PDSA) cycle is a potent tool for continuous improvement to enhance processes and achieve superior outcomes. The effectiveness, simplicity, and adaptability of this approach...
01 January 1970 2,011 1 View
Violence against women is a major public health problem. Studies indicate that about 1 in 3 (35%) of women worldwide have experienced either physical and/or sexual intimate partner violence or...
01 January 1970 461 4 View
Reactive rage which occurs in the aftermath of a road accident, refers to impulsive and unplanned behavior in response to a perceived threat or provocation. It has been found to be a significant...
01 January 1970 5,371 0 View
Recently, Artificial Intelligence (AI) has transformed healthcare, including hemodialysis care. Do you believe that the future of hemodialysis treatment lies in artificial intelligence-driven...
01 January 1970 4,449 4 View
Domestic violence is a painful experience. As a health professional team member, we can use strategies to promote healthy, respectful, and nonviolent relationships as an important part of...
01 January 1970 2,437 3 View
Different creative outlets, from music therapy to body art are known to promote healing for survivors of domestic violence. This can take a more structured form, such as art therapy, which is...
01 January 1970 4,518 3 View
Social support has been considered one of the most important factors of health-related quality of life among different populations such as men who benefit from methadone maintenance therapy....
01 January 1970 3,769 0 View
A successful learner in the modern society should be able to integrate knowledge from different sources, educate and self-educate throughout the life. Is self education the main goal and more...
01 January 1970 6,054 12 View
Shared decision-making (SDM) has been recognized as the preferred model to help patients understand their treatment options, and make informed decisions that align with their values and...
01 January 1970 7,477 2 View
Stigma is a set of unfair, negative beliefs about a certain group of people, such as people with mental health issues or addiction. In some cases, health practitioners may make diagnosis and...
01 January 1970 6,171 8 View
Nursing is a profession which deals with many aspects of people's lives. Nurses are often faced with ethical problems and experience many conflicts between their professional oath. The influence...
01 January 1970 8,304 42 View
Self-immolation is a common suicidal method that is placed in burn injury category that required long-term treatment as well as social and emotional rehabilitation. The situation for survivors...
01 January 1970 1,493 2 View
Motivation is something we all wrestle with at one point or another. First, let's start with self-motivation. To be an effective nurse, you have to find what drives you. Nursing is a difficult...
01 January 1970 3,212 33 View
01 January 1970 3,329 0 View
Perceived social support plays a crucial role in methadone maintenance treatment programs and deserves more attention. By enhancing perceived social support, treatment outcomes can be improved and...
01 January 1970 3,252 0 View
01 January 1970 5,393 4 View
Domestic violence is a leading cause of disability and mortality among pregnant women, and it has a detrimental impact on the physical, sexual, and mental well being of victims. It often involves...
01 January 1970 5,142 0 View
Nurse practitioners and physician assistants hold an important place in the healthcare system. Both nurse practitioners and physician assistants routinely serve the primary and preventative care...
01 January 1970 6,361 3 View
Some studies suggest that certain mechanisms, such as spending money on others, are equally effective in boosting well-being for both the rich and the poor. The rich, however, have more material...
01 January 1970 4,776 2 View
Self-treatment or over the counter drugs. is use of medication without consulting a physician either for diagnosis, prescription, or surveillance of treatment. The most widely self-medicated...
01 January 1970 9,284 12 View
Domestic violence is a painful experience. As a member of health professional team, we can use strategies to promote healthy, respectful, and nonviolent relationships as a crucial part of...
01 January 1970 2,372 4 View