33 Questions 150 Answers 0 Followers
Questions related from Henrik G.S. Arvidsson
Im so sick of this new trend that people add you to different project. I soon dont even know which anymore. Can I stop them from doing this or is it something I have to live with? Best wishes
04 January 2021 6,954 0 View
What is your take?
29 July 2019 7,659 17 View
In the field of international business the trend has been a move towards globalisation and integration. However research has shown that lately most government policies have been of a protectionist...
01 January 1970 9,028 59 View
Last weekend millions of Poles went to the ballots to vote in the presidential election. The election was in many ways a crossroad for Poland, will Poland go down the road of liberalism or...
01 January 1970 2,046 26 View
The issue of success and what is behind it as the very definition of is something that has been debated since the advent of man. If we approach the subject from a monetary view most scholars...
01 January 1970 353 14 View
Dear friends. I have been been involved in journalism for the majority of my adult life, both as a talk radio host, but later also despite my aversion as a child as someone who writes articles,...
01 January 1970 7,204 15 View
Dear friends I hope you are doing well. I wrote an article not long ago connecting effectuation theory with social representation theory and social psychology / attitudes. ( link can be found...
01 January 1970 229 11 View
I co- authored a study of a born global or rather born regional IT firm in the process of internationalisation during the Covid 19 pandemic. The firm quickly adapted to the new reality. My...
01 January 1970 6,796 18 View
As a vegetarian but also as a human Im ashamed when I see pictures of animals used in cruel experiments. I find it utterly disturbing and in all honesty sickening. What are your thoughts? How do...
01 January 1970 2,641 7 View
I wish you all a Merry Christmas and a Happy New year! Best wishes Henrik & Ruslana
01 January 1970 4,353 31 View
In todays world we see an increasing level of aversion towards science and scientists in general. Polititians often create narratives that goes against the consensus of the reaearch community, and...
01 January 1970 7,317 16 View
Serge Moscovici and his theory of Social representation is a stream of research that interests me a lot. The question of future directions of research is also something I contemplated on. How do...
01 January 1970 9,044 16 View
My question is simple, how do you view decision making in SME who are in the process of internationalisation or has already passed the stage of internationalisation. Is there any difference...
01 January 1970 9,427 12 View
When it comes to Ambivalence, it can be a symptom of mental illness but it is also something we experience in our everyday life ( I certainly do, and my wife hates it) . Where would you draw the...
01 January 1970 6,808 9 View
The literature regarding gender and the distribution of personality traits ( Big five personality traits model as a reference,; McCrae & Costa) are pretty clear. Women score higher on traits such...
01 January 1970 2,574 30 View
I often hear from friends negative things about academia, its boring, not connected to reality etc. I have been on and off in academia for 25 years but for the most part I have been in the real...
01 January 1970 6,845 94 View
As a researcher in business and psychology I often get the feeling that many of my colleagues have a political leaning to the left and are clearly influenced by the ideas of post modernism and neo...
01 January 1970 8,300 89 View
The theories ofthe great Carl Rogers, do you still consider them relevant today? Why? Why not?
01 January 1970 9,669 36 View
Dear friends I hope you had a nice summer. I sometimes get the comment that academia is not relevant from business colleagues and clients in my consultancy business. For me academia has always...
01 January 1970 2,100 53 View
I have been thinking a lot about the long term consequences of Covid 19 and the impact of the labour market. How long do you think the effects will last in for example the EU and the US? The...
01 January 1970 3,090 32 View
In my circle of friends there is a lively debate if corona is as dangerous as our media and governments is trying to portrait. Im one of those who doesn't believe Covid 19 is so much more...
01 January 1970 6,064 18 View
I have often wondered if it is possible or recomended to teach business, management, marketing etc without practical experience of the subject. I have been a businessman for over 20 years,...
01 January 1970 7,967 96 View
Management theory was for long dominated by Causation, (just think about Kotler, in other words Planning, Implementing and follow up.) a different theory that has gained momentum in the last years...
01 January 1970 6,050 3 View
Dear all I have a question: Do you often experience difficulties finding people who are wiling to answer your surveys? If yes: How do you solve this problem? I have thought about everything from...
01 January 1970 5,809 43 View
Dear Friends Marketing is a research area that is both interesting and something I as a businessman learned to love. The research dimension of it however is not really my main focus as a...
01 January 1970 6,641 25 View
Dear all. It is not often I start a discussion without some contextualisation but this time I do because perhaps it might be more interesting if people can freely discuss without initial guidance...
01 January 1970 9,652 92 View
As often in medicine animals are ( SADLY) used in experiments .A new study of mice shows there are important links between human and mouse minds in how they function -- and malfunction....
01 January 1970 4,972 9 View
So much is in a flux right now, the level of uncertainty is high and there is a constant battle between narratives. What is your opinion; when will our economies start to recover? Many businesses...
01 January 1970 3,330 37 View
I think most scholars would agree that effectuation theory formulated by sarasvathy (2001) is still not a mature theory but when do you think it will reach its maturity? How would you compare the...
01 January 1970 5,869 5 View
My dear Cat Kajsa died Friday because of ( wet) FIP. It all went so fast, we noticed she hat respiratory problems in the night before Thursday and Friday, for a while I thought she was doing...
01 January 1970 4,735 4 View
Dear friends! Some years ago, I wrote an article about the Uppsala Model of internationalisation. Uppsala is my alma mater so my question is twofold, firstly, how relevant do you think the...
01 January 1970 6,966 2 View
Dear friends. Im setting up an online event on nov 18th where I will talk about personality traits and entrepreneurship. In other words, what makes entrepreneurs different from other people. Is...
01 January 1970 7,529 15 View
🗣️ Call for Speakers and Panelists Be the voice of change! We invite scholars to share their expertise on the grand stage of innovation. Your insights matter, and your ideas can spark...
01 January 1970 7,441 4 View