33 Questions 163 Answers 0 Followers
Questions related from Dragoljub Šarović
In the late 1990s, neuroscientists announced the discovery of the "God spot" in the brain, located in the temporal lobe, just behind the temples. This neural cluster encourages us to ask...
01 May 2024 1,115 4 View
Respected colleague, This question does not seek answers in the sense that both competence and loyalty are important. For example: imagine you own a company and have two candidates for CEO. One is...
10 June 2022 1,472 2 View
It is clearly that we live i chaotic world. As physicists say, chaos waits us everywhere, from the heartbeat to the universe. Unlike of the most problems in classic physic which are nonlinear,...
12 January 2021 7,265 4 View
Whose contribution to science is greater: a scholar who makes a revolutionary assumption and does not prove it, or a scholar who proves that later?
08 January 2021 5,676 50 View
One of the properties of complex adaptive systems is inherent order. It means that system can be orderly even without central control. According to Prigogine,1967, Holland,1998, and Kaufman,1995.,...
31 December 2020 2,353 5 View
Fascinating fractal images opened a new era in computer graphics. Although fractals with small-door have entered into film's industry, their application is widespread in this area today. Paintings...
25 December 2020 1,161 11 View
Imagine, for example, a sports car designer, who was solving aerodynamic problems in Wind tunnels, without being able to understand the turbulence, an economist who has been analyzing consumer's...
05 May 2020 6,176 8 View
If we look closely at the behavior of cynics we will come to the conclusion that they are essentially frustrated idealists. In other words, the cynic turned his ideals into expectations.Is...
24 April 2020 4,860 8 View
Robert MacArthur was a doyen of ecology in the mid-twentieth century. He built a concept of nature based on the notion of natural balance. His models assumed that equilibrium existed, that plant...
14 April 2020 5,494 10 View
We are all witnessing the negative sides of the pandemic caused by corona virus . A large number of infected and unfortunately dead people, negative economic, political, psychological,...
28 March 2020 9,630 68 View
Example:It does not matter which complicated combination of different political, social and technological changes cause economy problems, if central bank can regulated the that problems by...
24 March 2020 3,445 7 View
An old Japanese proverb says: "Do in vain carve a Buddha if you do not breathe him the soul".This means that even the best organization will not help, if people are unmotivated. In other words,...
18 March 2020 2,628 26 View
“Modeling, it should be clear, is an art form. It depends on the experience and taste of the modeler. In this it is much like cartooning, especially political cartooning. The modeler (cartoonist)...
13 March 2020 1,215 11 View
Many scholars talk about importance of the role of demons in scientific thought- experiments.The most known are Laplace's Demon and Maxwell's Demon.Laplace claimed that world is completely...
01 February 2020 4,398 7 View
Is it possible to transform an authoritarian society into a democratic one without its going through a chaotic phase?
29 January 2020 6,783 17 View
Is utility the most important driving force of human behaviour?
14 January 2020 2,492 5 View
There are many categories of risks as what are: operational, financial, reputation, strategic, juridical, subjective, risk of the information systems etc. Some of them have the extremely high...
16 December 2019 3,306 2 View
Chaos exists not only in the mathematical world, but also in real life. From the quote: "All creativity begins in chaos, progresses in chaos and ends in chaos" ( Ralph Abraham), it follows that...
02 December 2019 2,583 16 View
Depending on the essence of the cause and consequence relation, management may face with four sorts of context, which are: simple, complicated, complex and chaotic. That means that the management...
16 October 2019 1,727 0 View
Theory of chaos describes behaviour of dinamic systems evolution which are sensitive on starting conditions. Chaos implies nonlinearity. Nonlinear relationship are a necessary condition for...
20 March 2019 545 12 View
Pierre Telihard de Chardin speaks about deep conection between human being and nature.Processes into living organism do not depend only on physics, chemistry or biochemic. Discussions about forces...
14 March 2019 3,088 12 View
Crisis creates environment which potentially impedes rational making decision at strategic and tactical plan, within responding to crisis.Why does decision making during the crisis challenge?
08 March 2019 7,317 9 View
Is greed form of suffering?
01 March 2019 2,765 11 View
Which is difference between man and machine?
26 February 2019 4,110 16 View
What is more dangerous side effects from vaccine or complications from the corona virus?
01 January 1970 9,235 21 View
According to biologists our consciousness is connected to invisible common fields, which are called morphic fields. Each person contributes to common morphic field. The total amount of...
01 January 1970 8,073 35 View
In everyday speech, chaos means disorder, crowd, unpredictability, etc. In philosophy, chaos is used in the terms of pro-matter, primordial space, that is, what became before order was brought...
01 January 1970 9,124 13 View
One of the assumptions of the classical way of thinking is determinism.This means that every change can be presented as a trajectory system through space, following fixed laws of nature.Those laws...
01 January 1970 4,215 6 View
We are definitely learned that simle questions must have simple answers.What do you think about it? Is it realistic? Do simple questions usually have complicated answers?
01 January 1970 2,743 70 View
We live in a complex and changing world and constantly dealing with our complex an environment (for example, we deal with our businesses, organizations, families, children, pets, etc., which are...
01 January 1970 4,569 14 View
Engineer design is unimaginable without standardization. However, as they are now, the standards have not been adaptable and they cannot be used to predict future requirements. In the last couple...
01 January 1970 5,317 29 View
There are 10 planetary boundaries, some of which have already been breached. It is the climate change, the rate of loss of biological diversity, nitrogen cycle, weakening of the ozone layer, ocean...
01 January 1970 6,704 70 View
Many autorities of complex systems theory claim that where the chaos theory begins, classical science ends.The theory of the chaos provides a different approach to solving problems, first of all,...
01 January 1970 2,603 23 View